Vol. 4 Num 232 Mon. January 19, 2004  

Rainbow Film Society
8th Dhaka International Film Festival

Central Public Library auditorium

Imaginary Line by Joshy Joseph of India at 10:30 am

The Island by Costanza Queglious of Italy at 12:30 pm

The Supplement by Krysztof Zanussi of Poland at 3:00 pm

Harivillu (The Rainbow) by Dr. B. Nasing Rao of India at 5:00 pm

Une Affaire De Gout. by Bernard Rapp of France at 7:30 pm

National Museum auditorium

Bank Ban by Saba Kael of Hungary at 10:30 am

Hold My Heart by Trygve Allister Diesen of Norway at 12:30 pm

A Long Weekend in Pest and Buda of Hungary at 3:00 pm

Encounters on the Milkyway by Jurg Neuenschwander of Switzerland at 5:00 pm

Azzuro by Denis Rabaglia of Switzerland at 7:30 pm



Director: Krzysztof Zanussi

Synopsis: Supplement is a love story of a young couple. The lover is torn in half for fear of sinking into the common run or rat race for money. He even contemplates joining a monastic state to steer clear of the hardships of day-to-day living. The girl is a university student and makes her living as a wardrobe assistant in film projects and fashion shows. She is afraid that she is standing in her boyfriend's way to self-fulfillment. But equally she wonders whether she should not force him to face up to life.

Hari Villu (The Rainbow)

Director: B. Narsing Rao

Synopsis: Death is the ultimate reality. How you face this reality is the true indicator of character. Even if it means the character is an adolescent boy with a passionate zest for life, for its simple pleasures and myriad beauties. Hari Villu takes you into the heart and mind of a gifted young boy under the sentence of imminent death and describes how he copes with this tragic challenge.