Vol. 4 Num 331 Thu. May 06, 2004  

Toll Collection
Sramik Dal man caught by people, freed by police

An activist of Jatiyatabadi Sramik Dal was released hours after he was caught and handed over to police yesterday for alleged illegal toll collection in the city.

Traders in Hatkhola area caught Ajay Shaha, 35, for alleged toll collection and handed him over to police in the morning.

Hearing the news, District Sramik Dal Secretary Bashir Ahmed along with some party men went to the thana.

Witnesses said there was exchange of words between the OC and Sramik Dal men at the thana. At one stage of the altercation, Bashir thumped the table, breaking the glass sheet on it. The Sramik Dal leader got another purchased immediately to replace the broken one, the witnesses said.

Ajay Shaha was released.

When asked later, the OC told newsmen that Aiay Shaha was caught following a "misunderstanding among the traders". Moreover, there was no written allegation against him, the OC said.

Bashir was not available for his comment.