Vol. 5 Num 177 Mon. November 22, 2004  

Rabbani Murder
Accused sent to jail

The Divisional Speedy Trial Tribunal (STT), Chittagong yesterday rejected the bail prayer of another accused in the sensational Commodore Ghulam Rabbani Murder Case and sent him to jail.

Former chief security officer of Korean Export Processing Zone (KEPZ) Humayun Kabir Chowdhury surrendered before tribunal Judge M Hasan Imam yesterday, the first day of the prosecution witnesses' testifying before court, and sought bail but the judge turned it down.

The tribunal has so far sent six of the eight accused to jail. Two other accused, Saiful Islam alias 'Bilai' Saiful and Noor Hossain, are absconding.

Earlier on October 11, principal accused in the case former KEPZ general manager Abu Naser Chowdhury surrendered before the tribunal only to be thrown into jail.

The plaintiff of the case, AKM Imtazul Islam, testified before the tribunal yesterday, which fixed November 23 as the next date for deposition of the witnesses.

Armed assailants shot KEPZ Managing Director Commodore Ghulam Rabbani, also former chairman of Chittagong Port Authority (CPA) and director general of Directorate of Shipping, at Bohaddarhat Intersection in the port city on April 11.

He died from his wounds in Bangkok two weeks into the fatal attack.