Vol. 5 Num 215 Fri. December 31, 2004  
Letters to Editor

Conference registration fees

For the last few days, two international conferences are going on in Dhaka. Now the ICECE by EE, BUET, is going on at Hotel Sonargaon. But the registration fee is very high. It may be argued that the costs are high, as they have to give this and that to the registration personnel and presenters. But for the learning process and education, we need to allow some interested students and academics who are not registering due to the high cost ( it is Tk 2,500 ), but want to learn from the deliberations.

I am a bit upset, as being a lecturer of Dhaka University and getting around Tk 7,000 as salary and having no papers to present, I had no way to attend the conference, though I was very much interested in it. So my request to the organisers is that they allow interested students and teachers to attend such seminars, or, at least, reduce the registration fees to a reasonable level.