Vol. 5 Num 551 Wed. December 14, 2005  
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Father disowns his JMB son

A father has snapped all relations with his son for his active involvement with the banned militant Islamist outfit Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB).

Faizur Rahman of village Barokona in Shaghata upazila of the district appeared before a Notary Public yesterday and formally announced his decision to cut off his relations with his son Mamun-ur-Rashid, a JMB leader.

Mamun was a student of honours class at Gaibandha Government University College.

He joined JMB activities and maintained no contact with his family for long.

About two years ago, he was arrested by Joypurhat police in connection with armed confrontation with police at Khetlal and was released on bail. He is absconding since then.