Vol. 5 Num 551 Wed. December 14, 2005  

Improvement of Health Sector
Transparency and commitment pre-conditions

Speakers at a roundtable here yesterday stressed on transparency, accountability of the authorities and commitment of the political leaders for ensuring quality health service to people.

They also urged the health department officials to be sincere, honest, corruption free, and committed to the welfare of society.

The roundtable was organised by Committee for the Concerned Citizens (CCC) of Rangpur unit and sponsored by Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB).

Held at the CCC auditorium, the speakers observed that people of the district would get better medical service if the officials concerned were honest and dutiful.

The discussion on 'Health Service Improvement' was presided over by CCC Rangpur unit member Prof Reza Shah Toufiqur Rahman.

It was also addressed by G.M Quader MP, Director of RMCH Dr Shahjahan Biswas, Asstt Director Masudur Rahman, Civil Surgeon Dr Taslim Uddin Ahmed, Prof Dr Azizul Islam, and CCC Rangpur unit convener Sadrul Alam Dulu.

G.M Quader MP told the roundtable that the service at the government hospitals has become so bad that the patients today prefer death at their houses to going for treatment there.

Despite presence of a number of efficient doctors at the hospitals, people do not get quality treatment, he observed.

Dr Shajahan said the hands of the doctors are tied as they treat people with the limited resources.

"We can improve the quality of service if we get necessary facilities. An integrated and concerted effort is needed for that," he said.