Vol. 5 Num 551 Wed. December 14, 2005  
Letters to Editor

Save the country

These days we are significantly more passionate about the oppositions' stance on dialogue then government's definite measures to confront terrorism in Bangladesh. On the contrary, may we be straight enough to inquire to our leadership as to what concrete measures they have taken to address the growing belligerence in our country? What specific policies are under way out of the dialogue between the business community and the Honourable Prime Minister? What is our government's position on allegations brought against some members of the ruling alliance? Why identified JMB operatives/leaders were released from Rab custody? Why our law enforcing agencies (NSI, Rab, police and others) are still not allowed to operate without impediments?

Regrettably, we observed that our government constantly rejected

reverberations of fundamental rudiments within our society, including specific allegations and critical inquiries. Consequently, many believe this myopic stance significantly contributed to the prevailing social disorder.


I am shocked to read the headlines of my country's newspapers every day. The JMB threatens us in a very ominous way. This is time to sit together & save the country from the hands of the fanatic elements.

Rajiul Hasan, Sydney


I read the article about the victims of the bomb attacks on Chittagong court on November 29 and I cannot stop myself from commenting about this. Bomb attacks have become an inseparable part of our daily life. Everyday we hear about such incidents. Rafiqul Islam, the injured police constable, is now under treatment at the CMCH. He and his entire family are now waiting for an uncertain future because it would not be possible for him to return to normal life completely. There are thousands of people like Rafiqul Islam, who are the victims of these bombings. It is high to rein the bombers in.

Marjanul Hassan Shapla, Manarat International University


I am just amazed at how quickly politicians change their tunes! For example, the leaders of the BNP are now saying how disappointed they were with the Awami League's refusal to sit with the government to discuss the militancy issue.

Aren't they the same politicians who denied the existence of such groups in Bangladesh and blamed the AL and other groups and newspapers (Time, New York Times, among others) for fabricating such stories?

Alamgir, Troy, Michigan, US
