Vol. 5 Num 551 Wed. December 14, 2005  

UNSC considers action on killings in Lebanon

The 15-nation Security Council weighs its response yesterday to a UN investigation that accused Syria of hindering its probe into the slaying of former Lebanese prime minister Rafiq Hariri.

The council first hears an oral presentation from Detlev Mehlis, the German prosecutor who led the inquiry. Mehlis said in a report delivered on Monday that his team had found new evidence implicating Syria in the truck bomb murder of Hariri and 22 others last February 14 in Beirut.

At the same time the 15-nation body this week is expected to extend the investigation into Hariri's death for up to another six months as requested by Lebanon and Mehlis, who will be leaving the probe.

And France said it was willing to expand the inquiry to include others killed in Lebanon, including Gebran Tueni, a newspaper publisher and lawmaker assassinated in a car bombing on Monday.

"If there is a request coming from the Lebanese government, my delegation will support such a request, and we will do our best to have the council going in the same direction," said France's UN ambassador Jean-Marc de la Sabliere.

But the most controversial issue facing the council is a resolution, adopted October 31, that threatens "further action" against Syria if it did not cooperate fully with Mehlis's team. This could lead to sanctions.

Both Sabliere and US Ambassador John Bolton told reporters on Monday that Damascus had not yet met council requirements, despite some improvement.

"What precise steps we consider have not yet been decided, but there's no ambiguity here," Bolton said. "That is no cooperation."

But splits in the council are expected, with Algeria's UN Ambassador, Abdallah Baali, saying Syria's cooperation had improved after a slow start. Russia and China also are usually opposed to sanctions.

"I think at this stage it's premature to decide whether or not we're in favor of measures," British Ambassador Emyr Jones Parry said after he presided over a council meeting that condemned Monday's murder of Tueni.