'Recent sculpture and other works'
Hamiduzzaman's solo exhibition at Gallery Kaya
Ershad Kamol
Renowned sculptor professor Hamiduzzaman Khan's 12-day solo art exhibition is on. Titled 'Recent Sculptor and Other Works', the exhibition was inaugurated at Gallery Kaya on February 17 by Christine Wallich, the World Bank country director to Bangladesh. On display are Hamiduzzaman's 42 sculptures and 33 watercolours. The sculptor has used steel, stainless steel, and stone as the medium for his sculptures. And natural elements like human faces and birds play an important role in Hamuduzzaman Khan's recent sculptures. In the case of stone and stainless steel, the sculptor's aim is to recreate the natural expressions of the mediums rather than the forms. But, in the case of steel medium Hamiduzzaman Khan has used bright colours like red, black and yellow. Emphasising on the forms he has presented human faces in different colours to deliver different messages. Ancestor, a sculpture on carera marble medium, is a wonderful piece on display. Maintaining natural form and texture of stone, Hamiduzzaman has created the shape of a human face, which relates the connection of contemporary human beings with their ancestors. Glassy texture of stainless steel made sculptures like Bard 1, Seated Woman and others attract the viewers. In the Bard 1, Hamiduzzaman has created an abstract figure of a bird, which represents the spirit, as well as the natural beauty of birds. Seated Woman is an abstract figure of a woman. Paintings in the watercolour medium are basically the lay out works for his sculptures. Professor Hamiduzzaman said, "The lay out exercise is very important for a sculptor. I do a lot of drawings and paintings before creating a sculpture. And my paintings on the display are part of my exercise. I have created sculpture of the same shape on steel medium. As steel loses its texture within few days, I've used permanent colour on steel. Again the theme of the paintings as well as colourful steel made sculptures is the human face. I enjoy creating different shapes of the human face."
Hamiduzzaman with one of his works at the exhibition. PHOTO: STAR |