Vol. 5 Num 637 Tue. March 14, 2006  
Front Page

Independence Award
Rab, Betar on revised list of nominees

The Cabinet Committee on National Awards has made a revised list of nominees for this year's Independence Award that includes Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) and Bangladesh Betar. The list was sent yesterday for the prime minister's approval.

Rab's successful operation that saw the capture of JMB (Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh) chief Abdur Rahman and second-in-command Siddiqul Islam alias Bangla Bhai as well as their continuous anticrime operations have earned them the nomination for the award.

The name of Bangladesh Betar was proposed for its glorious contribution to the country's Liberation War in 1971.

On March 5, the committee submitted a list of 11 nominees for the Independence Award for the prime minister's approval that included three ministers. The list was later cancelled by the PMO after several ministers expressed reservations about nominating their colleagues.

The award committee in another meeting on March 12 chaired by Environment Minister Tariqul Islam made the revised list selecting the Rab and Bangladesh Betar.