Vol. 5 Num 696 Mon. May 15, 2006  

Farakka Long March
30th anniversary tomorrow

The 30th anniversary of the historic Farakka Long March Day

will be observed at Bhuapur in Tangail tomorrow.

On this day in 1976. veteran public leader Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani initiated the long march against the death-trap Farakka Barrage from Rajshahi Madrasa ground with about one lakh people.

Bangladesh chapter and New York chapter of International Farakka Committee (IFC) have jointly taken up programmes to observe the day in a befitting manner.

Announcing the programme at a press conference at the Public Library Auditorium in Tangail, the organisers said a grand rally will be held at a 'char' in the river Jamuna after a token long march from Bhuapur.

They said the programme has been taken up to reiterate our demand for stopping unilateral withdrawal of waters from all international rivers including Padma, Meghna, Jamuna, Surma and Teesta.

The day will also be observed in New York, Rome, London and Montréal.

A total of 40 small and big rivers of the country have already dried up as a result of Farakka Barrage.