Vol. 5 Num 715 Fri. June 02, 2006  

CPJ concerned over govt's failure to protect journos

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) yesterday expressed concern over the government's failure to protect journalists in Kushtia.

"The national government is failing in its responsibility to protect journalists in Kushtia," CPJ Executive Director Ann Cooper said in a news alert posted on CPJ website.

Expressing concern at Monday's and Tuesday's attacks on newsmen and a Kushtia-based newspaper office, the CPJ said it is appalled by the attacks.

CPJ, a New York-based international organisation dedicated to defend press freedom worldwide, also demanded immediate steps to stop attacks on journalists and action against the attackers.

"We join with our colleagues in Bangladesh in demanding immediate action against those responsible for these flagrant attacks," said Ann Cooper.

Quoting local media, the CPJ said the attackers are supporters of BNP MP Shahidul Islam. Editor of Andoloner Bazar told reporters that Islam had threatened to shut down the newspaper earlier in the week, it added.