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Dhaka Thursday December 1, 2011 |
Men's involvement in the context of
Mahfuz Anam We are much better off than many but the fact that we are better off makes us complacent .We are in some sort of unchartered middle ground where, because of social economic, cultural and religious reasons, HIV is not that prevalent as in many other countries. However, that fact of not being prevalent is making us complacent about taking measures which we should. This is exposing us to vulnerabilities which we must seriously guard against. Given our particular culture we are a bit shy talking about sexually transmitted diseases. Sex as a topic never comes in the public domain. I think we have done a clever job of not saying it directly but saying it indirectly and campaigning with innovative languages about the whole threat of sexually transmitted diseases. However taboo covered it is, it has to be brought in the public domain and we will have to face the fact as it is and prevent HIV from spreading. As a media institution we would be happy to collaborate in every way possible. Arthur Erken, Country Representative, UNFPA Dr. Khandaker Ezazul Haque , UNFPA A study shows that more than 1 in 3 (36.8%) married Bangladeshi men reported physically and/or sexually abusing their wives in the past year. This study shows that Bangladeshi men who perpetrate intimate partner violence represent a greater threat to the sexual health of their wives compared with non]abusive men, based on increased rates of extramarital sexual behaviour and acquisition of STI. So, there is justification to focus on women and girls in HIV prevention. Moreover, programmes which addresses gender issues for HIV prevention, have an inclination to mainly target women, focusing on 'empowerment discourse' with an objective of social and economical emancipation and achieving decision making power for safe sex practice and prevention of HIV. According to my opinion, men have long been portrayed as 'the problem'; this rarely functioned as an incentive to work for gender equality by engaging directly with them for safe sex practices. This tendency of ignoring the potential of men's involvement is being questioned whether women, who have learnt about their rights in empowerment projects, can exercise these if there has been no male involvement. HIV prevention programmes aim at empowering women by improving their access to information, skills, services and technologies. This approach, when used alone, has every chance of failure if gender power relation between men and women is not considered in wider societal context and dynamics. The acquired skill and information will not work unless and until we have get support from men for prevention of violence and safe sex practice. So, I think, in HIV prevention, closer linkages between women's empowerment and male involvement need to be established. To me, this women's empowerment and men's involvement are two side of one coin which supplement and compliment each other. Moreover, I believe like women, men also have sexual and reproductive health need. We should not forget that masculinity attitude and unsafe sex practice also leave men vulnerable to HIV. They have unmet sexual and reproductive health needs, and if these needs are adequately addressed, men's support for women's safe practice will be spontaneously ensured. I am confident, that if men have good and supportive attitude towards women, this can facilitate the empowerment process manifold. I am not against the prototype or existing women's empowerment process, but, I thing, if men's support can be ensured, process of women's emancipation will be easier and less time consuming. My urge, we should think on this issue very seriously to harmonize the empowerment process with men's involvement as they are the good and trustworthy partners for their mutual benefit. Men are argued to have influence on women's sexual behaviour, which implies that working only with women is not enough. Men are therefore should be encouraged to use this power positively, take the first step towards change and take responsibility for and with women. Bridget Job-Johnson, HIV Specialist, Unicef Dr. Fadia Sultana, Senior Manager, Coordination and Capacity Building, Save the Children We have national strategies, commitment and investment in place in the area of HIV prevention, care and support through national program. The country is awarded three Rounds of GFATM funding support for HIV and AIDS program, Round HIV 2 project focus on the young people who are belongs to 15 to 24 from 2004 to 2009; a large number of them are young male. The programme went through a systematic baseline survey to understand the knowledge, perception level of the young people and the programme was designed to address gaps in information and service. It targets to institutionalize access to information through life-skill teaching and service utilization to bring the young people under the youth friendly service institutions in the government and private sectors. We usually do not think that young people have high risk behaviour but baseline survey shows that there is very high risk behaviour among the young people and self risk perception was low. Considering country gap and prevalence, Round 6 HIV project given focus on Most- at-Risk populations particularly drug injecting people and female sex workers and infected and affected people with HIV and “Rolling Continuation Channel (RCC)” stated from 2009 to be continued till 2015. The strategies include scaling up prevention program among most at risk population particularly IDUs & Female Sex Workers Men sex with men and transgender, scaling up prevention programs among young and vulnerable youth and workplace intervention through Partners. In Asia most of the women are infected by their partners and in Asia PLHIV rate is about 35 %. So we have to take special care of the partners. In relation to male involvement she said that defining male for addressing through HIV program is key looking at HIV prevention program, male as population having risk behavior like Injecting drug user, client of sex workers who need essential services, on the other hand male as law enforcing agency, parents, religious leaders to involve for creating enabling and supportive environment for increasing service access and utilization. Data suggests that a significant proportion of new HIV infections within key populations at higher risk In Dhaka city the prevalence has remained stable at 7% among Injecting Drug Users (IDU) which ahs reduced according to recent 9th sero surveillance. Regarding achievements HIV prevalence remains low which is less than 1%, active syphilis has declined among Injecting Drug Users (IDUs) Regarding general information besides surveillance, BDHS is the only source where we can only see the knowledge level of HIV, but unfortunately we cannot see the practice level like condom usage for prevention of HIV. The rate of using condom among the base line people was really a very low. But in the recent years we can see a tremendous increase of this use which occurred because of knowledge. The school base education curriculum and in text book can be a good media so that the people would get correct information. So that in adulthood or any time in their life cycle they can take the right decision. Regarding male involvement in SRH programmes she requested is to use existing community based infrastructure of the government. Existing family planning and maternal and child health services to be attracted by and facilities to be ready to address SRH needs to support male. The word condom was stigmatized; even it was not mentioned in any media. But now there is ahuge change because of the planned campaign such as “Bachte hole Jante Hobe”. These changes are made possible because of the government leadership and government owned programmes. Government allowed the media and the people to get the right information. The country needs to continue and scale the comprehensive HIV prevention and care, treatment and support programmes for most at risk population and People with HIV and at the same time individual risk factors to be analyzed. Men's have to get proper information from where they usually get services about STI related problems, about self risk. VCT could be an entry point for prevention. We have to expand the VCT programme and standardize services. We need more facilities beside government efforts. Misti McDowell, Country Director, FHI360 Dr.Md.Enamul Haque, National Consultant - HIV/AIDS, World Health Organization Any programmatic intervention needs a proper exit strategy in the proposal. It helps in sustainability of programme continuation when donors withdraw their fund. Exit strategy should explicitly mention the time, place and person for proper hand over and it should be explicitly a part of any project proposal to donor. Clear exit strategy ensures better sustainability of any programme in developing countries. Women suffer more discrimination and stigma in society than man. If a person belongs to marginal society e.g. sex workers, transgender, intravenous drug user etc, problem becomes more acute. When women or members of a marginal society suffers more stigma than man after HIV infection, its not an isolated phenomenon. The root of the problem lies inside the power relationship among men and women in society, financial independence, thus decision making capacity etc. In short, it depends on men's attitude how they see women in any social structure. In the light of this reality, there should be a comprehensive effort involving all sectors (education, women and social welfare, law, media etc; not only public health sector alone !) to make people aware about their due rights, gender issues, changing attitudes, compassion to fellow human beings etc. It's a gradual process and situation is slowly changing to better direction in comparison to the situation prevailed ten years back. Dr. Nazmul Alam, ICDDRB Brother Ronald Drahozard, Executive Director, Apon Md. Gias Uddin, Project Manager, FPAB Hasnain Sabih Nayak, International and Culture Editor, TOITOMBOOR I want to further broaden the topic of street children that it is not only the street children but children in general also. When the children are born you do not know who might be on the street or who might not be. We should focus on the social and cultural transformations during their childhood. When we are making any strategy and policy, we have to think in long term perspective to make it effective. In our society we find that if anyone has bi-sexual relation and have HIV infection we disassociate from him thinking he is a victim of his fault. This attitude should be changed. Bridget Job-Johnson Rape within marriage is another issue. How is that to be dealt with? In that situation the woman is not able to negotiate about condom use which exposes her to the risk of getting infected. Before formulating policies we have to learn more about man's different behaviours in different roles. They are father, they are the bread winner and they are community leaders. Do we know whether they talk about these things or want to hear? We need to know what they think. Dr. Samir Kumar Howlader, IOM Safat Hasan, National Youth Forum-UNFPA Dr. Khandaker Ezazul Haque In terms of targeted intervention for “Key affected population”, I think we should also emphasize on this issue. Anecdotal and research findings depict that sex workers are well aware about the safe sex practice, but due to undue influence and detrimental roles of men and local power structure, they can not negotiate with clients for safe sex practice. In this context, we also need to think seriously on this issue of clients involvement for safe practice during buying sex. In fact men's involvement is not only an issue of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, but other relevant ministries required to be involved. We need policy advocacy for active engagement of different ministries to coalesce on a single platform on this issue to devise a mechanism and strategy for men's involvement in Bangladesh. With regard to the condom use, we need to talk more about this issue. Our policies and strategies that has been actually initiated very early in Bangladesh, and that could be one of the reasons that still we have a very low prevalence of HIV. But we are still confused about some areas where usage of condom is very low, and we do not know whether our programmes are effective or not . The question demands that if we have a very effective intervention, condom use rate should go up, but on the contrary, still it is actually not going up at a rate as expected. We always talk about the negotiation skill of the Most at risk population, specifically the sex workers, but what is the scenario in the sex trade ? The sex workers now have condom, and can negotiate for safe sex, but man denies to use condom because they are not fully aware of the risk and not changing their attitude and behavior. Experiences from other countries like Senegal or Thailand, we come to know that if we could have a very good targeted intervention involving man, the STI can be reduced and condom use rate could be increased. Also, we need research to know why we are not able to overcome the barriers, and despite of intervention, and why men's involvement is not up to the mark. If we are able to aware the man about the benefit of safe sex practice, their meaningful involvement will be facilitated. The best example is the EPI. If you look at the national immunization day, usually men take leave from the office, and take their babies to the immunization centre. Another thing is that we need more study on the good practices of man. We also need to look into the monitoring and evaluation regarding what we are doing , and whether that is really effective because with our resources we need to have a very good intervention that really yields the result on HIV /AIDS. Hasnain Sabih Nayak Dr. Nazmul Alam Dr. Khandaker Ezazul Haque Bridget Job-Johnson Dr.Md.Enamul Haque Brig-Gen (Retd.) Shahedul Anam Khan, Editor, Defense and Strategic Affairs, The Daily Star Arthur Erken Second, we need consistency in our programmatic interventions and approaches. If you want to change society and social behavior, one has to look at long-term sustained inte4rventions, not just five-year projects. Exercising discipline in pursuing a certain approach is very important. Third, we are still missing vital data and statistics on sexual behaviour. Fourth is programme design. We have to make HIV information appealing to men, especially young people. Also, for designing meaningful programme interventions targeting men, we need to know the language that men speak and understand when it comes to sexual behavior, reproductive and sexual health. Fifth, we cannot deal with HIV prevention effectively without taking into account the power relations in society. Hence, dealing with issues related to gender equality and women's empowerment are vital when addressing the role of men in HIV prevention. Sixth is stigma. Time has come to break the stigma surrounding HIV & AIDS. Failing to do so will make it very hard for HIV prevention programmes to succeed. Seventh, migrants (both external and internal) and transportation workers are very important, and to some extent new, target groups to be taken into account I designing HIV prevention programmes. Finally, we do not find much coverage in the mainstream media when it comes to HIV & AIDS. We have to involve media in our programmes so that people can be better informed about the importance of the issue. Moreover, we have to tap into the new social media outlets to reach people with correct information about HIV prevention. |