Nababarsha Special 1420 | The Daily Star
Publish: April 13, 2013

Pahela Baishakh

Nababarsha, the first day of the Bangla Shaal, is a momentous occasion in the life of each and every Bangladeshi. People in every nook and corner of our country celebrate Pahela Baishakh with fun and frolic, pleasure and gaiety, joy

Relevance of Pahela Baishakh

April 14, 2001, people from all walks of life gathered at the Ramna Batamul, Dhaka to attend Chhayanaut’s Pahela Baishakh programme. A series of blasts near the stage muffled the renditions on the first morning of the Bengali Year 1408;

This Probhat Ferry is brought to you by….

Mokhles Ali couldn’t quite put a finger on it, but there was something particularly peculiar about the Pahela Baishakh celebrations this year. Perhaps he had been away from the country for too long, he told himself, as the sound of

Celebrating our cultural strength

Beng dake ghono ghono, Shigro hobe bristi jeno. (Croaking of frogs is the indicator of rain) The subaltern people of Bangladesh conceptualise the term ‘climatic change’ as a continuous natural process and an ecological phenomena, and they have always tried


The realisation that that was the wrong station hit him only after he had gotten off the coach. It was dark all around. The kerosene lamp was glowing with a very dim light within the rectangular glass lantern hanging on