National Public Perception Study 2013 | The Daily Star
Publish: November 1, 2013

Some interesting points

  Likelihood of a peaceful election Respondents were asked if they felt that the next national parliamentary election will be held peacefully with participation by all major political parties. A majority of respondents (62%) think it is likely, (47%) and

Issues Relating to Women

Problems facing women Women face a number of problems in their localities and rely on Government and the local society to resolve these problems and establish equal opportunities for them. Respondents were asked about their perception about the biggest problem

Issues Relating to Youths

Issues Relating to Youths

The survey checked on various perceptions regarding the situation relating to the youth. There is severe unemployment among youths because they do not have the right skill sets to be employed and even if they have education, they cannot find

Law and Order

Incidents of criminal activity:  Respondents were asked if criminal activities (theft, robbery, murder, extortion, mastani, etc.) in their localities have increased or decreased during the tenure of this Government compared to the situation that prevailed under the previous elected Government.

Human Rights

Human Rights

To understand the extent to which human rights have been upheld in Bangladesh, respondents were asked to comment on four relevant human rights issues. Extra-judicial killings by security forces About 50 percent of respondents stated that such killings have decreased

Performance of local economy

Performance of local economy

Food prices High and rising food prices have been articulated by respondents as among the top three problems. 80 to 90 percent of respondents said prices of rice, vegetables, pulses, edible oil, fish and meat have increased; approximately 40 percent

National Problems

Major problems facing Bangladesh today Respondents were asked to identify the biggest and second biggest problems facing Bangladesh today. Obtaining a ranking of problems based on their perceptions, it is observed that the following seven problems are considered by at

The Asia Foundation Opinion Survey | National Public Perception Study

Methodology In September 2013, The Asia Foundation and The Daily Star implemented a rapid assessment of citizens’ perception of recent events based on a national survey of Bangladesh citizens of voting age conducted in the second and third weeks of

The Upcoming 2014 National Election

The Upcoming 2014 National Election

Which party will win?  A majority of respondents (55%) believe that the Bangladesh Nationalist party (BNP) will win the next election. Less than 28 percent consider that the ruling Awami League will win the election, while 12 percent did not



  In September 2013, The Asia Foundation and The Daily Star implemented a rapid assessment of citizens’ perception of recent events based on a national survey of Bangladesh citizens of voting age conducted in the second and third weeks of