Victory Day 2013 | The Daily Star
Publish: December 16, 2013

Editor’s Note

There are certain days in a nation’s history that are celebrated with mixed emotions. In fact, in the annals of Bangladesh, there are more such days than those that we celebrate with unbound happiness. 16th of December is a day

42 years of Independence: Reflections of  a freedom fighter

42 years of Independence: Reflections of a freedom fighter

At times it may be necessary to bury the past. Things change their meanings and justifications with the passage of time. But the past is never dead, it is not even past for some events, happenings, occurrences. The 16th day

Mong King Mompru Sain

A king’s kingly fight

The Liberation War of Bangladesh was truly a people’s war. People from all walks of life irrespective of their politico-economic, ethno-cultural and socio-religious identity spontaneously joined the war to achieve a common mission. The grand triumph of 1971 was the

India’s Bangladesh war revisited

India’s Bangladesh war revisited

1971 India Pakistan war is more popularly known as “Bangladesh Liberation War”. Nearly four decade ago on December 3, 1971 war broke out between India and Pakistan. Being part of this war, sweet and bitter memories are still fresh in

A refugee having medical examination, 1971. Photo: Manabendra mandal

Memories of December 1971……….

As coordinator of OXFAM’s refugee relief programme in India which cared for 600,000 women, men and children, I was worried about many things in December 1971. The roads to the refugee camps we were supporting were choked with military vehicles

US Fleet in Bay of Bengal: A game of deception

It is known that US 7th fleet, led by the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise, entered Bay of Bengal on December, 1971. Officially to secure American citizens in Bangladesh, unofficially to threaten allied forces and prevent the liberation of Bangladesh. But

Photo: Star

Quader Mollah: fact versus fiction

Quader Mollah, the most infamous classmate of mine in my student days in Rajendra College (1964-66,) has become a part of history and probably, nationally and internationally, the most known individual of our class of 1966 superseding even the former

The battle for Bangladesh

The battle for Bangladesh

At can be the subject of a lively debate. It can also be a vain attempt to change the course of history too. Still this writer asks ‘what would have happened if the Pakistani air force hadn’t struck the Indian

Photo: Amran Hossain

Saga of trampling people’s voting rights

In the preamble of our constitution, which became operative forty-one years ago on December 16, 1972, democracy along with nationalism, socialism and secularism had been emphatically pronounced as one of the high ideals “which inspired our heroic people to dedicate

Photo: Anisur Rahman

An embryonic Bangladesh

Bangladesh, geographically, bordered by India on three sides -West, North and East and a short strip of land of Myanmar also borders in the East while on the south lies the Bay of Bengal with its warm blue water. The

Operation Hotel Intercontinental: “HIT & RUN”

Operation Hotel Intercontinental: “HIT & RUN”

The very first guerrilla operation carried out in the heart of Dhaka city by the Mukti Bahini was on the 9th of June, 1971. The place of action was Hotel Inter-Continental (now Hotel Sheraton), and the time was around 7.45

Ravished women of 1971: For whom the bell tolls

Ravished women of 1971: For whom the bell tolls

“Where the lotus gets dried,  Where the Vishalkhshi had been mute and silent over the days,  Where the bangles of Shankhamala, Chandramala and Manikmala…  All the fairy tale princesses used to ring and resonate, Oh…will they ever ring and resonate

Dreams from Sixteenth December and realities

Dreams from Sixteenth December and realities

December 16 in 1971 could not have come sooner for the residents of Dhaka who were holed up in the city for two straight weeks going through night curfews in the beginning, and then for the last forty eight hours

Geo-strategic implications

Geo-strategic implications

Once again it is December, and we are celebrating the Victory Day on the 16th, the day in 1971 when Pakistani occupation forces surrendered to the combined Indo-Bangladesh Forces in Dhaka. The day marked the end of hostilities that started

Prof Moazzem Hossain photo: Rokeya Khan

Prof Moazzem Hossain: Sacrifices of a martyred freedom fighter

Our house was in the compound of Bagerhat P.C. College – beautiful and green, surrounded by grape vines. My father, Prof Moazzem Hossain, was the Chair of the Department of Economics. He remained busy all day writing books and teaching