World Environment Day 2013 | The Daily Star
Publish: June 5, 2013
World Environment Day Special

Tubers can reduce rice waste

The Gangetic delta is famous for rice consumption since the Neolithic age. The Bangladeshis eat rice every day and at every meal. Most of the people start the day with a breakfast of ‘Panta’ (boiled rice soaked overnight in water

World Environment Day Special

Climate impact undermining food security

The planet we live in is faced with unprecedented growth of population estimated at more than 7.05 billion disproportionately distributed among the developed (over 1.2 billion) and less developed (over 5.8 billion) countries (Population Reference Bureau, 2012 World Population Data

World Environment Day Special

Waste not, want not

Bangladesh goes two steps up in ranking from 70th position to 68th in 2012 Global Hunger Index (GHI). Global Hunger Index is a report jointly prepared and published by International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Concern Worldwide and Welthungerhilfe. Although

World Environment Day Special

Informed decision can reduce our foodprint

United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP), in its Governing Council meeting considered the most pressing environmental issues as food waste and food loss, where an individual can contribute to a low carbon and resource efficient future. Therefore this year the theme

World Environment Day Special

Change for better: Sooner than later

Environment has become a growing concern for all of us due to its indiscriminate exploitation by humans throughout the world. However, in some way or almost all countries have acknowledged of date the importance of environment, nature and its biological