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Linking Young Minds Together
     Volume 1 Issue 15 | November 19, 2006 |


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Final Open Jury of Design Studio Works in the BUET Architecture Department


The Department of Architecture, BUET is a rich and varied educational environment for the study and practice of architecture and art. On November 5 the design jury for the final year students of the Department of Architecture was wrapped up at BUET auditorium.

The design jury is an event where the individual creativity of a student can be cultivated and nurtured in a framework of values that is humanistically, socially, and environmentally responsible. The jury included experts in architecture, urban planning, landscape design, and historic preservation as well as representatives of the faculty. The panel evaluated design concepts submitted by final year students of the department. All significant studio projects of the students, particularly those of the higher levels including the final year terminal projects are evaluated by the 'Jury' board. Under this system, a jury of external examiners comprising of the faculty members as well as at least one or two well-known architects from the profession was constituted to listen to the presentation of the students, deliberate with them and pass judgment on the standard and quality of the work presented. Every student took part in the oral qualifying exam. The oral qualifying exam was split between questions covering the student's inside and outside fields and questions regarding the student's planned dissertation research as outlined in their course curriculum.

The students are graded largely on the basis of such open jury evaluations. The diversified practical courses are aimed at developing an understanding of the bases of architectural design problems.


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