International Entrepreneurs Fair by Young Entrepreneurs Society (NSU)
Tawsif Anam Zoheb
Amid the uncertainty and chaos caused by the currently persisting political unrest in the city of Dhaka, and rising above from the standstill life of depression, is the spirit of YES. YES stands for Young Entrepreneurs Society, a reputed club of mostly business students of North South University, the members of which, at present, are working devotedly to organize the International Entrepreneurs Fair which is to be held at Gulshan Youth Club on the 24th and 25th of Novemeber 2006. With full energy and determination, and the motto “Progression towards globalization”, YES is looking forward through this fair to provide a strong platform for newcomers and potential entrepreneurs to enter into the world of progressive entrepreneurship by promoting their creative and innovative ideas and also by coming in touch with the established firms, successful organizations and certainly with the general public.
For promising entrepreneurship, one has to have a vision of future prospect, and will undoubtedly have to be capable of taking challenges. To do this, proper guideline and feedback are needed, and YES is not only providing those but also a stage to present yourself to the world where your valuable ideas will be considered and appreciated. Thus YES brings to you, the International Entrepreneurs Fair.
In this fair, the participating stalls will be representing various universities, a few of which are BRAC, East West, Southeast, and IUB, and also various embassies such as those of UK, Iran, Pakistan, and more. The students from several universities will materialize and exhibit their thoughtful ideas in the field of business alongside the embassies, which are expected to display the products of their respective cultures and national traditions. A very important aspect of the International Entrepreneurs Fair will be to put an emphasis on the traditions of Bangladesh that has been falling out of our attention as time is passing by.
In order to revive the cultural stream of our motherland, YES, in a very special effort, plans to bring to you the products of the urban and rural craftsmen. You can witness what human hands are capable of making, such as decorative hand painted objects, and objects made out of clay, wood and wax! Parallel to the exhibition of old traditional items, there will also be the modernized version of Bengali tradition, the products of which will be on display at the stalls of Anjans, Kaykraft and such other brand names. And, to get the visitors and other interested individuals acquainted with the latest financial offers, there will also be stalls of leading banks with helpful personnel who will introduce you to the current and upcoming financial and money-management schemes provided by their respective institutions.
The International Entrepreneurs Fair, which will be open for all from 10am to 10pm on both 24th and 25th of November, will have outlets providing refreshment facilities and you can choose to satisfy yourself from a wide range of food items. Considering entertainment to be a major requisite, on the second that is the final day of the fair, YES has also arranged for a concert where Artcell will perform, and also a fashion show where you can witness the glamour of professional models and also university students! There will also be a car auction, an event that is surely going to create frenzy among car lovers!
Tawsif Anam Zoheb is a student of NSU
(R) thedailystar.net 2006