With the aid of technology, we see the footprints of revolution everywhere. The extent of technology can't be figured out, but the achievement so far has been outstanding and worthwhile. One good example of the technological revolution is the widely used mobile phone. Just take a quick flashback of the years when people had to depend on the regular means of communication, i.e. telegram, land telephones etc. and compare how radically things have changed. Distance is not a barrier anymore. More importantly, mobile phones give you access to anybody's phone from anywhere. Thus the use of cell phones has become everybody's cup of tea and the number of mobile phone subscribers all over the world has increased beyond the wildest imagination. We are very much acquainted with the buzzing sounds of mobile phones. Cell phones have had a great influence on people all over the world, and now they are all around us, whether safely tucked in a man's pocket or stashed under lipsticks and make-up in a woman's vanity bag. It is the plague of our times, the virus none of us can escape, even if we want to. Just leave your cell phone at home and you will feel the difference right away. Your pocket will seem to vibrate with the demand for something that is missing. It is almost considered sheer lunacy to start a day without a cell phone. In less than two decades or so, mobile phones have gone from being rare and expensive pieces of equipment used by businesses to an all-pervasive low-cost personal item. Statistics show that at present mobile phones outnumber the landline telephones. Most grown-ups and many children now own mobile phones. Most surprisingly, you will see that many own multiple mobile phones. The mobile phone itself has become a fashion object with users decorating, customizing and accessorizing their mobile phones to reflect their personalities. Cell phones are not just phones now, but can be used as cameras or mp3 players. Telecommunication utilities with such multi-functional aspects to it give unbound pleasure to the owner. With increasing demand for simplicity and multitasking, the change was very much the order of the day. Over the last ten years or more, the cell phone market of Bangladesh has been growing very rapidly. So far the achievement of cell phone companies like grameenphone, citycell, Aktel, Banglalink and Teletalk has been remarkable. Mobile users in the country are now more than a Crore. This figure certainly shows the demand right away. The popularity of cell phones all across the globe has gone sky-high. We are now used by the cell phones. We can just wait and see what happens in the near future.
Md. Badiuzzaman Tamal
Postgraduate Student,
University of Jahangirnagar