Your World Debating Correspondent
Rashedul Hasan Stalin
Few months back, I wrote a story in Star Campus citing Bangladesh's achievement in the World Universities Debating Championships and in the World Schools Debating Championships back to back. I got huge response from many people who are interested in World Debate and asked me to continue the write up.
I think, the best way to start this venture is through knowing about the world debating news source and its latest version. People who are interested in International Debating and World Debate, this write up will enhance their desire to get one step closer to it.
Colm Flynn and Alfred Snider are recognized as the two top world debating news Bloggers who maintain World Debating Website http://worlddebating.blogspot.com/ and Global Debate Blog http://globaldebateblog.blogspot.com/ respectively for World Debating Community.
Colm started his debating blogging in 1997. He was elected as chair of World Debate Council back in the year 2001. At present he is living in the Republic of Ireland and is renowned as The Chair of World Debating News. This honor reflects his massive contribution to international debating movement. His site contains the best of the best Debating Resources, Training Materials, World Debating Rankings and latest World Debating News.
Mr. Alfred Snider on the other side is one of my debating sensations from World Debate Institute-USA. He has shown us debating can be a life time ardor for an individual. By profession he is a professor at the University of Vermont in US. I love this person's intuition and dedication for world debate which reflects in his Global Debate Blog. Based in USA, this debating blog can be viewed as the broadcaster of US Perspective Global Debating News. Readers will find variety of debate related stories and debate spice from this site.
Asian Debating Website http://asiandebating.blogspot.com is actually inspired by this two debating legend. While working with the World Debating Website team as an author, I felt the essence of having this site which will speed up the Asian Debating F1 race. Being a Bangladeshi and an Asian, I am working with my site team as the Asian Debating Newscaster for world. This site contains the news feed from All Asian Debate, Asian Universities Debating List, Australasian Debating List and many more Asian Debating news feed. People are visiting this site every day for the latest Asian Debating Updates.
Amazing Debating Story
Being a Debating News Blogger of World Debate Website and Asian Debate Website, I am always on the run to find some stories like this: Treasures of Tibetan Monks Debates in the Himalayas.
According to the Tibetan Monks, debating is their integral part of religious practice. One of the striking features of Tibetan debates is that they are quite physical. They are marked by emphatic gestures, such as the clapping used by the questioner to punctuate each question.
Tibetan debate involves prescribed modes of behavior. The debate starts with a ritual invocation of Manjushri in a loud and high-pitched tone. The debater then puts his questions in a very low voice barely audible to the audience. The Tibetan tradition is quite aware of the dangers of debate but sees them as counterbalanced by its benefits. Because debates are intensely physical, participants can give vent to considerable energy.
Tibetan scholars love debate for their internal clarity. They become excited when they talk about it and miss it once their training is finished. Older scholars often advise students to savor their times as debaters: “This is the best time in the life of a scholar. After this, all fades in comparison. I am not sure what to make of this last comment, for its description, its also captures the essence of good sporting competitions. But it does convey the overall atmosphere of debates, which are veritable intellectual sports.
Worlds MINI and IUT 1st Bangladesh Open 2007
Bangladesh Debating Council-BDC is going to organize the second largest British Parliamentary format debating championship in the World; Worlds MINI 2007. This championship will be hosted by Islamic University of Technology-IUT from November 15 to November 20, 2007 in Bangladesh. This global debating championship expects more then 30 countries and 50 world top debating universities to participate in this mega debate battle. The official website of this grand Debate Championship can be found at http://www.bangladeshopen.net where teams are invited to register for this championship.
World Universities Peace Invitational Debate 2007
Before the annual World Universities Debating Championships in Thailand, Worlds Top Debating Universities will be competing against each other for the WUPID Title. The objective of this championship is to promote peace globally. Former prime minister of Malaysia Dr. Mohathir Mohammad will be the Brand Ambassador of this Championship.
This Malaysian championship will offer five preliminary rounds, quarter-finals; semi-finals and final with top class debating experience.
The author is the Chair of Bangladesh Debating Council-BDC,He is the Bangladesh Representative to the World Debating Council.
Md. Badiuzzaman Tamal
What does competency actually mean? The world is getting much more competitive everyday and it is obvious one has to be extraordinary in order to survive. Darwin's theory also stated that only the fittest and competent will survive. Competency is the ability to demonstrate one's skills, interest and understanding of a range of activities including attitudes, beliefs and traditions and how these affect and contribute to one's professional performance and achievement. It also describes the ability to contribute to the cultural dialogue needed to develop mutual and beneficial relationships. Competency draws on qualities of openness, awareness, understanding and emotional intelligence.
It is distinctly necessary to be able to demonstrate one's competency in advance since these days most of the opportunities are more or less very much business oriented where the employers expect behavioural professionalism. In a job application three elements of competency are needed, i.e. skills, knowledge and experience.
Other important skills are as follows: Communication skills: Communication is a major skill that is needed for any job role. The success of a good employee is mainly related to communication. Communication has to be one's strength for professional success. For example, when someone is working as a teacher, s/he has to be a good listener; at the same time s/he has to convey instructions very clearly to the students.
Interpersonal Skills: Communicating effectively with colleagues inside and outside the working environment is very important. One should pay attention when listening to instructions. Also one should never hesitate to ask questions and clarify things when necessary. It is important to convey messages to others with thorough, specific, simple and detailed instructions.
Enthusiasm: One should always be keen and flexible in order to learn more. Showing interest in learning new things before applying them into practice is a sign of enthusiasm. One may have to work in situations where s/he is unfamiliar with certain aspects of a task, thereby enthusiasm helps one adapt. Team Work: Team work is about working co-operatively beyond cultural and organizational boundaries to achieve shared goals. Team work ensures better interactive productivity.
Language Proficiency: Proficiency in English is necessary in most mainstream jobs. Excellent communication ability requires appropriate language proficiency and eloquence. This skill accelerates one's professional confidence which in turn makes a person's job look enjoyable and easy.
Analytical Thinking: This is about bringing disciplined analysis of data and situations, to see cause and effect to make effective decisions. This is important in enabling us to prioritise and make well thought out intelligent decisions.
Student, Jahangirnagar University