My three mentors...
 One of them is a former Chairman and Dean of Department of Law, University of Dhaka, another is young associate professor of the same department and the third is the founder of Department of law, Chittagong University. One is internationally prominent professor of International law, Dr. Mizanur Rahman, one is revered as the father of legal education in Bangladesh - Dr. Shah Alam and one has just started his venture in the legal field - Md. Nazmuzzaman Bhuiyan. May be they are standing at different levels, but all three are very special to me. Their contribution in my small life is narrated briefly bellow.
 Mizan sir is a teacher, who, like a magician, changed my whole life, taking me as a volunteer for the NGO ElCOP. As my employer and also as my course teacher, I learnt not only how to acquire professional expertise, but also the art of presentation, the strategy of moot court (which helped me go to Delhi and Japan later), the style of convincing people and more importantly the mantra for developing myself for my career. Those tips and guidance would remain in my brain for a long, long time. Then I met Md. Nazmuzzaman Bhuiyan in my 3rd year for Henry Dunant Memorial Moot court competition. At that time what I felt was - he was there to find faults in my work, commenting on my bad pronunciation ( Naomi, It is first, not fast, it is third, not thard) and to scold me for minor spelling mistakes. But Sir, now I realize in every moment of my professional career, the benefits of your admonishment and want to thank my luck that I have had you as my coach in my competition in New Delhi and Japan.
It is unfortunate that I did not have Dr. Shah Alam as my direct teacher, but I regard him more than a teacher and more likely as a father figure. He is the person who reads all my articles (however less important they may be), calls in every week to know how my health is and so on. His inspiration encourages me to do even better in life.
When I got a job at BRAC before my graduation, and when I got an award for moot and whenever I receive any praise, I give thanks to these there teachers. What I am today is because of them, what I will be in future is also because of them.
(R) 2008