A teacher I remember always
I once read a quote by Stephen Neil “A great teacher discovers the natural gifts of his pupils and liberates them by inserting into their minds some visions far beyond the text books that continuously expand their horizons till death. And ultimately, that teacher makes them twice the people they were before”
So as I walk down memory lane, I recall Manzoor sir who used to be everybody's favorite personality and I personally think of him as one of the best teachers I've ever had in my life.
I also think it is a misfortune for those who could not have him as their teacher, or in other words, missed him in their student life.
He is a character-builder, and this he has been doing with immaculate subtleness through his deeds and words.
When he talked he projected his vibrant thoughts and knowledge and as one went deeper into the conversation with him one felt a profound sense of respect and admiration within. And once he would leave the stage, one wouldn't feel the same person anymore; as if something in him has changed.
Syed Manzoorul Islam is the teacher who first made me realize that English Language, in turn Applied Linguistics, is a matter of creative pleasure that is if one is ready to embrace it with interest. Because of his encouraging words, I began to develop tremendous interest in my subject. Ultimately in 1998 when I was wandering about in search of an appropriate topic for my Ph.D. research, Manzoor Sir again turned out to be the one who showed me the right direction.
A man with profound intellect and amicability, Syed Manzoorul Islam is unquestionably my most favorite teacher, and I hope he will be so for as long as he lives. His blessings and guidance had lit an endless flame in my life which will never burn out; come what may.
(English Department, AIUB, Dhaka)
My Favourite Teacher
 "My favourite teacher”… I am sure you are imagining an old person of the grandfather genre with a pair of thick glasses? Well no! My teacher was different. He was young and handsome - the kind that injects a pool of envy in your heart if you are a man, and sparkles admiration if you are the opposite! A thick manly voice, profound ability in music and poetry with a provoking sense of humour and oh, his charm. But these are obviously not what make one of his 'boy-students' choose him when he decides to write about his favourite teacher! It was another weapon in this 'perfect' man's armoury- his ability to teach- that inspired me to hold my pen as I reminisce him.
I still remember the first encounter- while the boys and girls were thinking up new tricks to rag our new 'owl' that we have not met yet- he showed up. Oh that, hush! we sat staring with jaw-dropped gaping looks, he took a slow stroll to his table. Even that walk was special! But he was not to be found an 'all looks' man, soon proving that by commencing lectures- articulate, manoeuvred with high intellect, and traits rare in mathematics teachers.
He won us with his friendly intentions; reaching deep within our hearts- not for a moment did mathematics seemed boring! His humbleness and charming character still fills me with good memories. I pay my deep respect to my teacher Mahmudul Alam and wish him a great teaching career in the future.
(R) 2008 |