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Friday, February 26, 2010
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Sajeeb Wazed Joy, son of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, joined Awami League as a primary member in Rangpur yesterday.

Awami League Joint General Secretary Mahbubul Alam Hanif told The Daily Star that he handed over Joy's membership form to the party's Rangpur unit convener yesterday.

"Through this membership, Joy made his formal debut in politics," Hanif said after an extended meeting of Rangpur unit of Awami League.

A senior Awami League leader on condition of anonymity said a post of joint general secretary was lying vacant in the Awami League central working committee that Joy might eventually fill.

Asked if Joy would be the joint general secretary of the party, Hanif said highly educated and qualified people like Joy should come forward in leading the nation.

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It is the right time for him to land in politics.


No chance for a common man or woman to become a PM in Bangladesh.

: saif


  • m
    Friday, February 26, 2010 02:27 AM GMT+06:00 (752 weeks ago)

    I hope he does better.

  • Friday, February 26, 2010 02:30 AM GMT+06:00 (752 weeks ago)

    Welcome to Bangladesh.Does he got Bangladeshi passport?

  • AKS
    Friday, February 26, 2010 04:13 AM GMT+06:00 (752 weeks ago)

    Only a degree from a foreign unversity does not make a person highly educated and qualified. One has to earn it through hard work, dedication and commitment to become qualified to lead the nation.

    To Mr. Sajeeb Wajed Joy, welcome to formal politics.

  • Thotekata
    Friday, February 26, 2010 09:17 AM GMT+06:00 (752 weeks ago)

    Many would ague against Joy's formal entering into AL, but I find no wrong in this.

  • Al-Haj Ali Noor
    Friday, February 26, 2010 09:41 AM GMT+06:00 (752 weeks ago)

    Good news. Now he joins AL to make a Sonar Bangla as his 'nana' dreamt of and his mother trying to do. Give them chance .

  • Koohinoor
    Friday, February 26, 2010 09:54 AM GMT+06:00 (752 weeks ago)

    Good sign for politics. Thus, Sajeeb Wazed Joy should not jump into the higher post like Tareeq Rahman in the party concern. I wish him every success in politics.

  • k.quador
    Friday, February 26, 2010 10:16 AM GMT+06:00 (752 weeks ago)

    what is his citizenship status.

    Dual-Bangladesh and US?

  • Mohammad Rahman
    Friday, February 26, 2010 10:21 AM GMT+06:00 (752 weeks ago)

    Will he reside in Bangladesh from now on? Or he will participate in Bangladesh politics from USA?

  • dr islam
    Friday, February 26, 2010 11:02 AM GMT+06:00 (752 weeks ago)

    Joy's joining in politics is a joyous event for us.

    we very much hope by his education he can guide the party ,especially BCL towards nation building.

    needless to say the present BCL path is threatenig to the party and the people.

  • Underground Man
    Friday, February 26, 2010 11:10 AM GMT+06:00 (752 weeks ago)

    While Joy is qualified in education, his decision to join politics may appear to be detrimental to his party.

    His capability to contribute would have been much enhanced if he had made significant contributions to the country before joining politics, like Dr. Yunus did briefly.

  • mohammad ibrahim bhuiyan rasel
    Friday, February 26, 2010 02:23 PM GMT+06:00 (752 weeks ago)

    it's a great news for Bangladesh and Bangladesh's politics.





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