question : Tagore,
Jinnah, Gandhi and Bose
Habibur Rahman
On the language question
we shall discuss in this article the views
of four illustrious personages of South
Asia -- Rabindranath Tagore (1862-1941),
the Nobel Laureate, Mohondas Karam Chand
Ghandhi (1869-1948), the Bapu or the father
of India, Mohammad Ali Jinnah (1876-1948),
the Quide-i Azam, the first Governor General
of Pakistan, and Subhas Chandra Bose, (1897-1945),
the Netaji and head of the Provisional Indian
Government and the Indian National Army
in Burma.
In more than one articles
and speeches Tagore emphasised on the importance
of mother language which was health-giving
like mother's milk. He himself was never
tired in re-iterating his assertions in
this regard. Unlike Gandhi he was not against
English which according to him was a distant
light but at home he wanted to have the
morning light of mother language.
In the report of the Sadler's
Commission (1919) Tagore's views on the
language question were succinctly noted:
"It is Sir Rabindranath's strong conviction
that, while English should be skilfully
and thoroughly taught as a second language,
the chief medium of instruction in schools
(and even in colleges up to the stage of
the university degree) should be the mother
tongue. He has four reasons for this belief:
first, because it is through his mother
tongue that every man learns the deepest
lessons of life: second, because some of
those pupils who have a just claim to higher
education cannot master the English language;
third, because many of those who do acquire
English fail to achieve true proficiency
in it and yet, in the attempt to learn a
language so difficult to a Bengali, spend
too large a part of the energy which is
indispensable to the growth of the power
of independent thought and observation;
and, fourth, because a training conducted
chiefly through the mother tongue would
lighten the load of education for girls,
whose deeper culture is of high importance
to India. He holds that the essential things
in the culture of the West should be conveyed
to the whole Bengali people by means of
a widely diffused education, but that this
can only be done through a wider use of
the vernacular in schools."
To Tagore nationalism was
a geographical evil. In March 1921 Tagore
read in the newspaper that Gandhi asked
Indian women to stop reading English and
felt very insensed. On 08 March he wrote
to Jagananda Roy the teacher in Shantiniketan.
When in 1921 Tagore lamented that walls
were being raised in the country and by
making home a prison we think we were opening
the way of liberation and after expelling
the light of the whole world we were worshipping
darkness at home and forgetting that those
powerful nations who aspire for greatness
by hurting others were abandoned by the
creator as much as those who voluntarily
opt for being small.
The letter when published
was brought to the notice of Gandhi. Without
being perturbed at all he wrote: Let the
culture of all countries flow over our homes
but if they want to wipe him over he would
not accept that as a forcible occupier a
beggar or a slave. He wouldn't live in another's
For false pride and doubtful
social prestige he would not impose unnecessary
compulsion on his sisters for learning English
education. He wanted that young men and
women, connoisseurs of literature, would
voluntarily learn English and other rich
languages of the world, and they would make
a gift of their learning to India and the
world like a Bose (Jagadish Chandra), a
Roy (Prafulla Chandra) or like the poet
He will not want any Indian
forget his or her mother tongue or neglect
it, or feel small about it; nor would he
like them to express any diffidence in putting
across their best thoughts in their own
For nearly two years form
November 20, 1944 to October 1946 everyday
Gandhi wrote down a thought for the day.
On 13 September 1945 he wrote" Belittling
one's mother tongue is like disparaging
one's own mother."
In South Africa a help national
pride Gandhi stressed the importance of
using Indian languages only when Indians
wrote or spoke among themselves. He wrote
in Gujrat:" Any nation that cherishes
its individuality must love its own language
and feel proud of it. The learning of English
must come second to learning one's mother
tongue. When at his behest Gokhale visited
South Africa Gandhi insisted that he addressed
the community only in his mother tongue
Marathi. Gokhale tried in vain to persuade
to permit Gandhi to speak in English, but
finally gave up in frustration, muttering,
"You will have your own way in this
as in everything." There was hardly
any Marathi-speaking Indian there, Gandhi
translated whatever Gokhale said in Gujarati,
the language understood by the Indian merchants
present there.
Gandhi wrote his first major
book Hind Swaraj ("Indian Home Rule")
presiding over the All-India Common Script
and common language conference, insisting
that Hindi should be India's common language,
Gandhi said that whenever he spoke English
he felt "I am committing a sin."
While attending Lucknow Congress he argued
that unless Congress business was conducted
in Hindi, rather than English, Swaraj was
not possible. "In provincial matters,
the provincial languages may be used,"
he conceded "But national question
ought to be deliberated in the national
language only."
Nagpur, Gandhi moved for adoption for new
Congress creed, which changed" The
object of the Indian National Congress"
from "Responsible colonial Government"
to "the attainment of Swaraj by the
people of India by all legitimate and peaceful
means," He spoke in support of his
creed he had drafted in Hindi, insisting
it should be Indian's national language
and the language of every Congress meeting.
the Lucknow session of the All-India Muslim
League in 1936 a resolution proposing Urdu
as the language of Muslim India was moved.
The resolution was strongly opposed by the
delegates from Bengal. On the direct intervention
of Jinnah, it was ultimately resolved that
"whatever Urdu language is the language
of the area its unhampered development and
use should be upheld, and where it is not
the predominant language, adequate arrangements
should be made for teaching it as an optional
19-21 February 1938 at the Haripura session
of the Indian National Congress Subhas Chandra
Bose said in his Presidential address: "To
promote national unity we shall have to
develop our lingua franca and a common script
. I am inclined to think that the distinction
between Hindi and Urdu is an artificial
one. The most natural lingua franca would
be a mixture of the two such as is spoken
in daily life in large portions of the country
and this common language may be written
in either of the two scripts, Nagari or
22 February 1938 Poet Sanjoy Bhattacharjee,
the Editor of Purbasha wrote to Rabindra
Nath Tagore bemoaning why and for what fault
the well -enriched Bengali language should
be deprived of the honour of being the state
language of the country and requested Tagore's
views on that question.
expressed his inability to protest against
the decision of the Congress not to regard
Bengali as the state language. He wrote
back, 'The duty of Congress is in the Congress's
hand. I am not even a member. If you want
to strive in vain , you do. You are younger
in age . You have got enough time'. Tagore
never expressed any opinion to make Bengali
a state language. He had little enthusiasm
for that. Both Jinnah and Gandhi were of
the view that in the provinces language
of the provinces may be used. In all-India
level Gandhi pleaded for Hindi and in Pakistan
pleaded for Urdu.
India was partitioned All-India Congress
decided on Hindi and All-India Muslim League
opted for Urdu. Jinnah was a little surprised
when he found his choice was opposed in
Dhaka. On the question he was not at all
emotional or sentimental. He did not earn
much proficiency in his mother language.
Both English and Urdu appear to be his acquired
was a-matter-of fact practical man . The
question of good steno typists was more
important than formal higher education.
He thought that he used his common sense
when he said that Urdu should be the only
state language in Pakistan and provinces
would be free to decide on the question
of administrative language in provincial
matters . We may suspect that there would
have been hardly any protest had Jinnah
said that for the time being English would
remain as the state language of the country.
English was destined to be the state language
of both India and Pakistan for considerable
people of Dhaka gave Jinnah a formal reception
at the Race Course Maidan on 21 March 1948.
In the afternoon that day Jinnah spoke for
about an hour on language issue and the
language movement. He said, "About
language as I have already said , this is
in order to create disruption among the
Musalmans. Your Prime Minister has rightly
pointed this out in a recent statement and
I am glad that his government has decided
to put down firmly any attempt to disturb
the peace of this province by political
saboteurs or their agents. Whether Bengali
shall be the official language of this province
is a matter of the elected representatives
of the people of this province to decide.
I have no doubt that this question shall
be decided solely in accordance with the
wishes of the inhabitants of this province
at the appropriate time."
in favour of Urdu as the state language
Jinnah said, "Let me tell you in the
clearest language that there is no truth
that your normal life is going to be touched
or disturbed so far as your Bengali language
is concerned. But ultimately it is for you,
the people of this province, to decide what
shall be the language this province. But
let me tell you very clearly that the Sate
Language of Pakistan is gong to be Urdu
and no other language. Any one who tries
to mislead you is really the enemy of Pkistan.
Without one state language no nation can
remain tied up solidly together and function.
Look at the history of other countries.
Therefore, so far as the state language
is concerned, Pakistan's language shall
be Urdu. But, as I have said, it will come
in time"
spite of great enthusiasm for Hindi, English
is destined to be the principal language
in India. Pakistan broke on the question
of language. Though Urdu is the state language
of Pakistan, Bangla is the state language
of Bangladesh, English is a dominant language
for communication at home and abroad.