Tackling law and order: Praised
The government's efforts of maintaining law and order got high rating as 64 percent said they think the situation has improved. Only 15 percent think it has deteriorated while 18 percent find no change.
Rajshahi respondents took positive view about law and order as 68 percent said they find the situation improved. The least number of Sylhet people find the situation praiseworthy with only 53 percent of the respondents praising the situation.

Economy: Room for improvement
Compared to the above two issues, the government scored less on the question of economy. Only 50 percent said they find the economy good and progressing. But 16 percent said it is moving negatively and 22 percent found the economy not so much encouraging. Seven percent said they find no difference.
Once again, the highest number of Rajshahi respondents have a favourable view of the economy (64 percent) while the highest number of Khulna respondents have the unfavourable view (21 percent).

Corruption perception bright
About corruption, the respondents' reaction was mixed. A big 53 percent felt that corruption has decreased. Twenty two percent felt that it has increased while 18 percent thought it remains at its previous level. Only 7 percent said they have no idea about the level of corruption.
However, when asked about their opinions about the state of the Anti-corruption Commission (ACC), a large 55 percent refrained from responding. This shows they have a negative view of the anti-graft organisation. Fifteen percent said it is controlled by the government, seven percent said it has lost its neutrality in the last one year and 20 percent said the ACC has been working properly.
The respondents were also asked to name a sector where corruption is more prevalent. Fifteen percent pointed at land reform, showing the pressure on land and the lack of a proper land recording system. An equal 15 percent pointed at the judiciary, 13 percent said the police, and another 13 percent pointed at education. Eleven percent said they have no idea about the subject. Tax, banking, and electricity were found to be the least corrupt in public perception with 3 percent of the respondents finding corruption in these sectors.

Price inflation: Critical view
However, price inflation appears to be a thorny issue as 52 percent think the government has poorly managed the issue while 38 percent think it has been well managed.

Political culture: High hopes
The survey found that the majority of the respondents hold a better view of the political culture as 54 percent said they see a positive change. Twelve percent has a negative view while 19 percent said the political culture remains same as before. Fifteen percent said they have no idea about it.
A very large number of respondents, 83 percent, are confident that old political practices such as hartals and street violence will not return, and only 17 percent holds a pessimistic outlook.

Power: Initiative seen
In the poll, 41 percent of respondents said the government took steps to resolve the power crisis. And 24 percent saw no change; 24 percent said the initiatives decreased. The poll found that 11 percent answered: "Don't know."

Judiciary: Poor rating
According to poll results, 36 percent of respondents said the judiciary was free and independent; 28 percent found it "politically biased" and 36 percent said: "Don't know.”

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