100 days vs 1 year: A comparison
The Daily Star-Nielsen conducted two surveys, one on 100-day performance of the government and the other on 1-year performance. Comparing between these two surveys, it is evident that the people's opinions have been changed in some of the critical areas. Moreover, the strong support that the government had enjoyed at the end of its 100 days appears to have eroded to some extent after completion of its one year as expected after a landslide victory.
Overall satisfaction
At the end of its 100 days, 62 percent of the respondents said they were satisfied with the government and 19 percent highly satisfied. Together they made up 81 percent. But after one year, 53 percent said they are satisfied and 12 percent very much. Together they make 65 percent.

Which direction
After 100 days, 71 percent said they thought the country was on the right track while the current survey showed 62 percent people think so. In the last survey, 17 percent thought the country was heading in the wrong direction while after one year, that was marginally increased to 19 percent.

Law and order situation
Law and order was a weakness in the last survey but in this survey it appeared as a strong point of the government. Currently 64 percent of the respondents said the law and order situation improved, compared to 57 percent in the earlier survey.

Political culture
An interesting upbeat note was seen among the respondents this time about their confidence in political practices. After the 100 days, 48 percent said they think old political practices such as hartal, violence, political killings and street agitation will not return, today 83 percent think so. Moreover, a year ago, 56 percent people saw a positive change in political culture. After a year, today that confidence still continues as 54 percent now think so.

This is one area of concern for the government since its takeover a year ago, from the very first day. Although Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina took it very seriously, the situation has not improved significantly. The majority of the people said in both surveys that “Chhatra League activities should be strictly controlled”, “stern action should be taken” and “law and order situation has deteriorated due to them”.

Considering public perceptions about the economy after the 100 days, 59 percent respondents said the economy was doing positively which -- after a year -- declined to 50 percent.

Price inflation
The government's rating on inflation also slipped over the year. Managing prices to a lower level was a major electoral pledge of the AL-led grand alliance and many thought that it worked for its victory in elections. After its 100 days, 74 percent said the government had well-managed inflation. But after its first year, only 38 percent think so. In the last survey 20 percent said they were dissatisfied with the government's measures to tackle inflation. Today 52 percent are dissatisfied.

One area where the government could hold the fort is the corruption perception which remains the same in both surveys. After 100 days 54 percent respondents said they thought corruption had decreased. After a year, 53 percent still think so.

Opposition's rating
The opposition's rating remained almost static from the previous survey. After the first 100 days of the new government, 33 percent said they were satisfied with the opposition role, which is 30 percent now.
After 100 days, 32 percent were dissatisfied with the opposition's negative role, which has increased to 39 percent. In response to another question, 75 percent of the respondents said the “opposition should attend the parliament first”.
