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     Volume 1 Issue 8 | September 24, 2006 |


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What is Virtual University & Expert System (VUES)?

Tanzim Saqib

The Word Wide Web is unlike any previous human invention in both scale and effect, and is now a global resource important to all of the people in the world. Coping up with the high tech trend of exploiting maximum benefit from it, academes in our country are also trying their best. Almost all the universities now have their own interactive websites that are almost always busy introducing their respective organizations to visitors to harness the opportunity of global reach.

However, there is a one-of-a-kind university website which stays apart from the rest and gives impression how much clearly ahead the university in fact is because of its unparallel usage of technology to provide students and teachers the best online academic services in the country.

The Website
Those who are not yet part of the university, at the first look may find it just another portfolio like other university websites. But, the real magic reveals when student/faculty logs in using their ID and password, and it automatically takes the user to his/her homepage and displays the summary of classes to attend today, upcoming tests or quizzes, pending or due assignments, any new message so on and so forth.

The website is also known as “Virtual University & Expert System (VUES)” and pronounced as “View” by the students and faculties, is mobile + web + intranet based solution for complete university automation including online education, distant study and online administration feature. The VUES is just not the website; it also includes intranet based software that is being used by faculties, employees and administrator to manage the inner workings of the whole university.

The site is an interactive result of collaboration between students and teachers. During the development phase of this site faculties pointed out certain areas that needed improvement or particular options that might prove helpful to students and teachers thus making this site as efficient as possible.

Student's View
VUES makes it possible for students to study courses over the web without leaving the comfort of their own home. Students can collect lecture notes, submit assignments, and also attend quizzes and exams using the university web site. VUES keeps students more active through its various automated features like advanced class lecture notes, class and exam alerts, performance graphs, automated performance improvement suggestions etc. Students can log on from classroom as well as home and simply can download class notes, assignments, and other necessary things from their virtual “backpack”. No more wastage of money photocopying class lectures.

VUES also offers automated teacher's evaluation feature, which is known as Teachers' Behavior Inventory (TBI). It helps students to assess teachers on their own perspective any time at their convenience.

It even exposes academic services through SMS first ever in the country. Students can access necessary information of his own e.g. Grades, CGPA, Class Routine, Registration status etc. instantly right in your finger tips. All these information are just a SMS away! Thus, VUES brings the entire university within everyone's range no matter where they are.

Student Registration
There are more than 3800 students register in AIUB every semester. And registration is the most irritating phase for most students as it involves routine procedures like picking the subjects, talking to the faculties, showing results of pre-requisite courses etc. Amazingly enough, this site has made all these tasks as easy as a few mouse clicks. Once a student goes through virtual registration the only remaining thing is to pay the dues in the bank. Self advising feature helps students select courses and complete registration at the beginning of semester.

Teacher's Outlook
Teachers can grade assignments and quizzes, contact students online, analyze student performance graphs over the web from anywhere in the world. Teacher's can break down their courses into many components, sub-components and set their own marks distribution and percentage of contribution to the total marks. Interestingly enough they can upload students' grade from home. They can also declare quizzes, assignments and each of the student' enrolled in his courses will be notified via email about their relevant pending tasks, and automatically be highlighted in their account when they will log on next.

AIUB Talents
Anyone will be amazed to know that this very professional site is completely developed and maintained by a few extremely talented AIUB students. Omar AL Zabir, who played ace role in developing this project, had planned this site ever since he enrolled in this university towards the end of 2002. The very first concept demo to University Administration, Hasanul A Hasan, Director of Administration accepted the idea immediately and provided all necessary support to start working from the next day. Omar AL Zabir found Salah Uddin Jamil, Shahedul Huq Khandkar and Mehfuz Hossain in this journey and a faculty Mr. Shahed Khan as project manager in this endeavour.

Potential of students should never be looked over and if they are provided least support and some cooperation they become winners. AIUB proved that.
(Email: me@TanzimSaqib.com)



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