Learning Professional Business Strategies
Mohammad Badruzzaman Bhuiyan
Everyone agrees that we are in an era of rapid and constant change. To compete with the fast-changing and dynamic elements of business, business professionals have learned the importance of networking and of keeping files on subjects that are important to them. These are two secrets to success that students should begin practicing now. One thing that links students in all colleges is the need to retain what they learn. You need a strategy to help you meet this need. It's also extremely important to keep the names of contact people at various organizations. In addition, you may want to keep facts and figures of all kinds about the economy and business-related subjects. These are all reasons why you should develop resource files.
An effective way to become an expert on almost any business subject is to set up your own information system. Eventually you may want to store data on computer disks for retrieval on your personal computer and to access professional databases as businesspeople do. Meanwhile, it's effective to establish a comprehensive filing system on paper.
If you start now, you'll soon have at your fingertips information that will prove invaluable for use in term papers and throughout your career. Few college students do this filing, those who don't lose much of the information they read in college or thereafter. Developing this habit is one of the most effective ways of educating yourself and having the information available when you need it. The only space you'll need to start is a 12 - inch by 12-inch corner of your room to hold a portable file box. The box should hold handing folder in which you can place a number of table file folder. To start filling these files you might put your course notes in them, with the names of your professors and the books you used. You may need this information later for employment references. Also, be sure to keep all the notes you make when talking with people about careers, including salary information, courses needed, and contacts. Each time you read a story about a firm that intersests you, either cut it out of the publication or photocopy it and then place it in an appropriate file. You might begin with files labeled careers, small business, economics, Management, and Resource People. You might summarize the article on a Post. Stick this summary on the front for later reference.
Today, it is possible to find the latest data on almost any subject on the Internet. Good students know, or quickly learn, how to find such information efficiently. The best students know the importance efficiently. The best students know the importance of keeping such information in files so that it is readily accessible. Those files may be in their computers or on their desktops, ready for easy access.
You definitely want to have a personal data file titled 'Credentials for My Resume' or something similar. In that file, you'll place all reference letters and other information about jobs you may have held. Soon you'll have a tremendous amount of information available to you. You can add to these initial files until you have your own comprehensive information system.
Business people are constantly seeking ways to increase their knowledge of the business world and to increase their investment returns. One way they do so is by watching television shows. Watching such programs is like getting a free graduate education in business. Try viewing some of these shows or listening to similar shows on the radio, and see which ones you like best. Take notes and put them in your files. Another way, one of the best, to increase your business knowledge is to read your local newspaper, keep up with the business news in your local area so you know what jobs are available and where. You may also want to join local business groups to begin networking with people and learning the secrets of the local business scene. Many business groups and professional societies accept student members.
Department of Accounting
University of Comilla