Forget Worries!
Live Your Life!
Marzia Rahman
In today's fast, challenging world where life is running on a roller coaster and there is little time or chances for Wordsworthian retreat into nature, students are over-burdened with worries. Not only students but professionals, academians, home-makers, everyone is the victim of stress and excessive worry. It has become an exhausting problem for millions of people which diminish one's ability to enjoy one's family, friends, physical being and achievements. The skill lies in the fact of how one handles the problems of life and at the end of the day comes out as a winner with a broad smile and a content heart. The following tips can show the path to handle the worry successfully and bring sunshine in life:
EXERCISE: Exercise not only keeps one fit and healthy but it also reduces tension and frustration. It enhances a sense of well-being, improves sleep and aids concentration.
BREATH: Breathing can also reduce worry. Take a deep breath and let it out slowly which can provide temporary relief. You will be more benefited if you take a series of deep breaths.
MAKE CONNECTION: One drawback of modern society is that people have become mechanized and disconnected. They spend more time with machines (laptop, mobile, television, DVD etc.) than with human beings. As a result of which people suffer from depression, stress and other modern ailments. The right thing to do is to make connections. Connect with your family, friends, neighbors and work. By increasing your connections in life, you will increase your feeling of strength and reduce your sense of vulnerability.
PRAY: Praying is another good way to handle worry. Pray everyday. Studies have found lower rates of depression among those who believe in God. If you are not a believer and praying is not your cup of tea, then go for meditation. Praying and meditation will help you to keep things in perspective. They have a soothing effect upon your soul as they calm your minds.
BE ORGANIZED: Many everyday worries are related to disorganization. Try to be organized, keep your things in the proper place, and write a daily schedule. These concrete bits of structure can dramatically reduce the time spent each day in useless or destructive worry.
SPEND QUALITY TIME: Spend some quality time with yourself. Do the things you enjoy most. Read something, listen to music, watch a film or water your plants. In other words, you must enjoy your life or your existence becomes dull.
DO NOT DRINK: Some people drink to forget their misery. No need to become Devdas because when you try to delude yourself with the help of alcohol or other drugs, you become more depressed and less capable to handle your worries.
STAND UP: The moment you feel that worries are wrapping it around you, disengage yourself at that very moment. You have to do this deliberately. Stand up and get out of your chair or your room or walk around or talk to a friend. In short, do not settle into worry. The longer you let worry last, the harder it becomes to escape it.
HAVE A GOOD CRY: Sometimes in life you need to cry to get rid of the grief which is eating you up. Worry is a form of sadness and a good cry can wash away your bad worry.
LAUGH: It is widely known that laughter is the best medicine. So laugh as much as you can. Humor is one of the best ways of dealing with worry and stress in life.
FORGET IT: Finally, the advice that can be given to deal with the unnecessary worry is to forget it. Remember your life is very precious and from the widest perspective, its (worries and tensions) are all small stuff.
(Former school teacher)