Star Campus our Experience
Nazia Ahmed
To be frank, as one of the guardians I get sentimental on the first birthday of Star Campus!
1st Anniversary of Star Campus
Greetings from noted personalities......
'Today's students have all the talents to cope with the challenges.'
Interview taken by Dr. Faheem Hasan Shahed
'Sensibly thinking, you'd find it natural that Dhaka University's problems are vast.
Say No To War
“As long as war is regarded as wicked, it will always have its fascination. |
We have gained many positive things, but also have lost a great deal more - Prof. AAM Safiullah, Vice Chancellor, Buet
Interview taken by Kamrul Hasan Khann
We requested Prof AAM Safiullah, the Vice Chancellor (VC) of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (Buet), to say a few words about Buet, one of the country's excellent seats of learning.
An hour with the Vice Chancellor, Jahangirnagar University
Interview taken by Tarique Muhammad Hassan
Professor Khondokar Mustahidur Rahman, VC of JU is a renowned educationist and economist. |
In Conversation with Carmen Z. Lamagna Vice Chancellor, AIUB
IT was one warm afternoon that we sat in the office of Carmen Z Lamagna for a brief tête-à-tête. Now before we go into the details here is a short take on Dr. Lamagna's career and AIUB.
An afternoon with Dr. C.R. Abrar
Interview taken by Syeda Akhter Dipty
Dr. C. R. Abrar is a professor of Department of International Relations, University of Dhaka and the co-ordinator of "Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit" (RMMRU).
Bangladesh Cricket: Will Things Change?
Syed Athar Bin Amir & Kazi Hayat Reza
About only a week ago, our much adored cricket team once again conceded a series whitewash against the much better equipped Sri Lankan side. |
Star Campus and I
Dr. Faheem Hasan Shahed
On a rain-clad lazy mid-June afternoon in 2006, I was casually browsing the net when I decided to check an old email account of mine.
Forget Worries!
Live Your Life!
Marzia Rahman
In today's fast, challenging world where life is running on a roller coaster and there is little time or chances for Wordsworthian retreat into nature, students are over-burdened with worries. |
Captain Kirk's Infinitive: Defying Prescription
Dr Binoy Barman
In my English grammar class I always advise my students not to split an infinitive, that is, insert any adverb between 'to' and the following verb. |
The Borderless World of Higher Education
Mahbub Husain Khan
Bill Clinton tells a nice story about the first time he set eyes on Oxford University.
Star Campus anniversary: One year at full gear!
Shayera Maula
"Every human being has hundreds of separate people living under his skin. |
Higher Education in Doldrums
Professor Abdul Mannan
The importance of education and higher education in particular for sustainable, endogenous development, for democracy and peace, for strengthening of the defence of peace as a human value, and further respect and protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms can hardly be over emphasized. |
Gandhism and Modern Civilization
Rama Islam
As the world is increasingly experiencing massive conflicts, the theory Gandhism assumes special significance for this modern civilization. |
Globalization: Prospects and challenges for Bangladesh Economy
Prof. Dr. Md. Entazul Huque
The term globalization is very familiar worldwide and is being used frequently during oral and written communication.
The Impending Environmental Catastrophe
Tanvir Manzoor Hussain
It is a matter of great shame for us that as educated citizens of this planet many of us are continually failing to act responsibly and sensibly towards the environment, which is being altered beyond recognition by humans all over the world today. |
Theatre Education in Bangladesh
Ershad Kamol
The history of theatre education in Bangladesh is interrelated with the introduction of neo-theatre movement, which began just after our Liberation War.
An afternoon with Prof. Manzoorul Islam at IUB
Lecture on Postmodernism
Sonia Sharmin
I shifted my class in Stamford University to attend Professor Syed Manzoorul Islam's lecture on postmodernism at Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB).
Dandelion Seeds
Sabrina F Ahmad
This was a conversation we had countless times, sitting in the cafeteria, laughing and joking between classes. |
@n Friendship Day
Friendship is soften portrayed to be a relationship, which requires sincere and deepest efforts.
Thoughts on Friendship Day
When Old Friends Meet!
Sajeda Tamanna Hussainn
After immense hard work of several days, 23rd of July finally dawned upon us, with massive expectations filling our insides.
Madame Tussauds:
creating magic with wax
Sabrina Hasan Shoily
What comes to your mind when I say 'One of the major tourist attractions in the world where you can see/touch/take photographs with your favourite celebrities'? |
Two cups and coffee machine
Yamin Tauseef Jahangir
I reached my hand out and waited. The long wait was over, I could almost feel it.
Cartoons from the past