Theatre Education in Bangladesh
Ershad Kamol
The history of theatre education in Bangladesh is interrelated with the introduction of neo-theatre movement, which began just after our Liberation War. At the initial stage theatre troupes organised workshops to train up the theatre activists, which has been still the main source of non-formal learning process on theatre. Formal theatre education was introduced as a branch of Department of Fine Arts of Chittagong University (introduced in 1970) under the initiative taken by Professor Zia Hyder, who studied theatre in the USA. However, the department has not being enrolling any student for last five years.
From the late 1980s, theatre education picked up momentum in Bangladesh. In 1987, Jahangirnagar University introduced Department of Drama and Dramatics. Later, theatre troupe Theatre established 'Theatre School' in 1990. Though University of Dhaka introduced theatre as a course of MA programme of Department of Bangla soon after it introduced Department of Theatre and Music, it offers graduation and master courses on theatre. Later, other troupes as well as organisations have introduced different courses on theatre. So, it is evident that there are two types of theatre education programmes continuing in Bangladesh formal and non-formal.
Formal theatre education programmes
At present, three public universities namely -- Jahangirnagar University, University of Dhaka and Rajshahi University offer honours and masters courses on theatre in Bangladesh.
Jahangirnagar University
The university introduced Department of Drama and Dramatics in 1987. The department offers 4-year graduation and one-year master course on theatre.
As part of theories, the students are introduced to world literature from classical era to post modern period as well as from 14th century Bangla literature to contemporary period. Here also students learn theories on theatre as well as application. In the honours programme, students are introduced to direction, design, script writing and acting. In the MA programme the department basically emphasises on script writing and direction.
Speaking on the curriculum of the department Selim Al Deen said that the department has designed the syllabus focusing the indigenous performing art forms of this region. He further informed, “The department has developed two theatre forms such as 'Ethnic Theatre Style' and 'Narrative Ethnic Style'. Besides, five Ph.Ds and many M.phils have been completed. Dr. Lutfar Rahman in his Ph.D thesis has developed a chronological history of 'Bangla Theatre', from the time of Charya, the ancient book (650 ad) to contemporary period.”
University of Dhaka
Though two-year master course was introduced in 1994, from 1998 University of Dhaka has introduced a 4-year graduation course on theatre under the Department of Theatre and Music.
The aim of the department is to give an overview on theatre including the east and the west. The department basically focuses on applied theatre. As part of the theory, the courses have been designed to introduce the students with chronological history of 'English Literature'--from classical period to 20th century literature. Besides, 'Bangla Literature' from pre-colonial period “Mohua”, “Monosha Mongal” and others to plays by the contemporary playwrights are included. Moreover, the students are introduced to different theories and application of the theories in practice.
In one-year master course, the department basically gives emphasis on acting. A few students have successfully done M.phil from the department.
Rajshahi University
Rajshahi University introduced Department of Theatre and Music in 2000. The department offers graduation and masters on theatre. It also offers literature as well as theoretical and practical application on theatre.
Non-formal theatre education programmes
Theatre School, established in 1990, offers one-year certificate course on theatre. Professor Kabir Chowdhury is the principal of the school. Acclaimed theatre directors, university professor teach at the school. 40 percent of the course curriculum is theory based and rests are application based.
Six-month certificate course on theatre is offered by several schools owned by theatre troupes such as Prachyanaut School of Acting and Design and Nagorik Natyangan Institute of Drama (NNID). Moreover, FAME, a theatre school in Chittagong, has introduced one-year certificate course on theatre. Theatre Institute Chattagram, another organisation in Chittagong has introduced three-month short course in theatre, which according to the authorities of the institute, will be developed as a diploma course in future. Besides, a few other organisations and troupes organise workshops and short courses on theatre.