
But George Harrison, Ravi Shankar ,Bob Dylan and all the great musicians who gave birth to this historic rock music event clearly didn't need to buff their image by raising money for Bangladesh. They had obviously reached the pinnacle of their musical excellence of career by that time.
These amazing musicians were shocked to watch that a massive injustice was going on over the innocent people of Bangladesh in the form of a ruthless genocide. The genocide that took place in 1971 in Bangladesh can be described as one of the most heinous crimes of the 21st Century. At that time, this country was a part of Pakistan and was called East Pakistan. West Pakistan repressed us socially, economically and religiously in every steps of life. In 1971 the common people were struggling and fighting to attain democracy and civil rights to choose their own leader. At that time the heavily equipped Pak military junta attacked our unarmed people with full might. Starting from 25th March, they started indiscriminate killing, rape and arson with deep routed malice and intension to oppress the Bengali people considering them an inferior race. It was a deliberate act of genocide and a process of ethnic cleansing. It's a shame for our nation that this genocide went unpunished so long and remained concealed to the international community.
We need to look back to some facts in the past. These are relevant to the present day Bangladesh.
Fact: just a year back in 1970, a terrible Bhola cyclone devasrteted the East Pakistan coastline during the evening of November 12 killing an estimated 500,000 people. Now, after 36 years another cyclone SIDR has hit and as a result some 3.3 million people have been affected. SIDR flattened houses, damaged buildings and roads, and destroyed thousands of acres of crops. More than 3,500 people have been killed but the death toll could eventually reach 10,000. - (reference N.Y. Times)
When the future paths are shattered with no hopes and darkness prevail in the horizon, we as an independent nation need to be united and committed. 36 years ago, George, Ravi Shankar and friends felt the urgency of humanity's call, which was beyond race, color and geographical boundaries.
Now it's our turn to stand beside our countrymen in times of great disaster to bring back the noble values, which we lost over these years for many socio-economic reasons. Human Rights violation, climate change and continued imposition of corruption in its myriad forms almost took us to a point of no return .
Through “Tribute to Concert for Bangladesh”, we seek to thank George Harrison and Friends. But above all, we seek to keep the young generation aware about our great Liberation War.
Our mission :
1) To make an official recognition of the Concert for Bangladesh a reality.
2) Create Awareness among the young generation about true values of the Liberation War of Bangladesh.
The cause was created on 19 November 2007 on www.facebook.com under the title “Tribute to Concert for Bangladesh: Thanks for the Music”.
Active url: http://apps.facebook.com/causes/view_cause/38645
An independent website will be launched very soon - www.tribute2c4b.org
The Team of Administrators:
Akku Chowdhury - A Veteran freedom fighter.
Asrar Chowdhury - a Faculty of Economics at Jahangirnagar University; Poet and Writer.
Tamohar Islam - a Management Consultant, Musician & Writer.
Sonjoy Chakraborty - an Events Management Specialist.
Jibon Akash - a full time Musician.