News Room
CUDS a decade of excellence and beyond….
An open invitation to all debate lovers,
Chittagong University Debating Society (CUDS) is pleased to let you know that it is going to organize a debate program to accelerate the debate movement in Bangladesh including programs like Talk Show, Star Debate, Teachers-Student Debate, Old - Fresher debate, Rommo Debate, Professional Debate, 3 Dimensional Debate, Media Debate, Jutti Debate, Plan-Chette Debate and English Debate.
On November 11, CUDS celebrated its 11th birthday! Since its inception in 1996, it is heartily trying to make a rational Bangladesh through debate movement.
The aim of this program is to let the debate lovers be introduced to different formats of debate which will be presented by a good number of eminent debaters from several schools, colleges and universities. CUDS is trying heart and soul to give a rare chance and a common platform to debaters from different corner of Bangladesh to exchange their views and feelings. In addition to this, CUDS will create a fund for Sidr affected people by selling tickets of the program at BDT 300 for each person.
CUDS is honored to extend heartfelt thanks to its media partner i.e. The Daily Star, Channel-i and Radio Today for their support.
CUDS is seeking your co-operation in arranging its forthcoming debate program to uplift the spirit of rationalism. So, we love to have you join us.
On behalf of CUDS
General Secretary, CUDS.
Rare books donated to Bharandra Research Museum
Md.Mamun Abdul Kaioum
Some 592 rare books, used research papers and a used golden watch were donated to the Bharandra Research Museum of Rajshahi University (RU) on 27th November. The rare books and used research papers belonged to Prof. Abul Kashem, a former faculty of RU Botany department. The 106 years old golden watch belonged to M. Shefatullah, former police Inspector of Rajshahi.
M.Zakaria, director of Bharandra research Museum; Dr.M. Shafi, Registrar of RU; M. Enamul Haque, Proctor; Abu Bakr Siddique Bhuiya, Administrator of Public Relations and other officials were present during the program.
Deptt.of Mass Communication(2nd year). Rajshahi University.
Chancellor's Gold Medal
Uttam Kumar Das gets
Mr. Uttam Kumar Das was awarded the Chancellor's Gold Medal for securing first position (with first class) in the first batch of the Master of Human Rights program of Dhaka International University (DIU). Professor Dr. Iajuddin Ahmed, honorable chancellor of the university and president of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, handed over the medal in the first convocation ceremony of DIU on 27th November 2007, held at Bangladesh-China Friendship Conference Center in the capital. Mr. Das has earlier achieved the Doctor of Philosophy degree for his dissertation titled “Women Trafficking in South Asia: Legal Responses and Strategies of Selected Countries” from the Institute of Bangladesh Studies (IBS), Rajshahi University, in 2002. He also holds Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Master of Laws degrees from the same University.
Students of Business Studies Faculty, DU stand beside Sidr victims
Taslima rawshan
The students of Business Studies Faculty, University of Dhaka, organized various activities to collect relief materials and money for the Sidr victims. Department of Finance organized a 4-day film festival in the seminar hall of the faculty and the amount collected from tickets was given to the victims.
The students of the Marketing Department arranged a cricket tournament entitled “Cricket for Sidr Victims,” which began on the 26th November. 16 teams from different departments of the faculty participated in the tournament.
“Jatrik,” a student based social welfare organization has been raising funds for the affected people by printing and selling T-shirts. Department of AIS and Management is also collecting donations and winter clothes to distribute among the Sidr victims.
Satkhira Debating Club Organizes Seminar
Students of Satkhira started the significant debate movement through Satkhira Debating Club (SDC). The club organized a seminar titled 'Debate, Knowledge, English and Higher Education' on 30th November 2007 at SHED Office, Satkhira. President of Bangladesh Immigration Lawyers' Samity Adv. Kazi Rakibul Islam attended as a specialist speaker. The seminar was presided over by Prof. Dr. Shahidur Rahman from the Department of Surgery, BSMMU.
SDC's head of English debate Wasifa Tasnim Shamma, Principal S.M. Hafizur Rahman, and Assistant Headmaster of Karima High School Mr. Azizul Islam also took part in the discussion. The seminar sponsored by SHED was moderated by Hafizur Rahman Masum.
-Saraban Tahira
President, SDC
Seminar on “Business Presentation” at NSU
Zannatul Lamea
A seminar titled “Business Presentation” was held on December 4, 2004 at the NSU campus. The seminar was conducted by Mr. Sayedul Karim a doctoral candidate at University of Houston,USA. Currently he is serving as a visiting faculty at North South University, East West University and Independent University Bangladesh. The seminar, aimed at making students better presenters, attracted a large number of students from the Business Administration discipline.
(Student Of BBA Dept., North South University)
Shahjalal University students distributed relief materials among the Sidr affected people in the southern districts |
Public lecture at Atish Dipankar University of Science and Technology
Atish Dipankar University of Science and Technology (ADUST) organized a lecture titled "Agribusiness in the Twenty-first century” on 26th Novemebr, 2007. Prof. Dr. M. Kabir Hassan Talukder, Registrar, ADUST, presided over the lecture. Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Anwara Begum was the chief guest of the event. Prof. John M. Duxbury, Crop and Soil Sciences, Cornell University, USA, delivered the lecture. Dr. Panaullah, Project Coordinator, Cornell University; Prof. Dr. Ekrammul Haque, Chairman, Dept. of Pharmacy; Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mahboob Ali, Chairman, School of Business and Economics and Proctor, ADUST; and Prof. Sukomal Barua, University of Dhaka, participated in the discussion. Dr.Debi Narayan Rudra Paul, Associate Prof. Mr. Nazrul Islam Khan, Assistant Prof. Mr. Badal Kumar Ghosh, Assistant Prof. Mr. Shohel Al Barunie and Assistant Registrar Ms. Shiekh Shirin Shamaly, participated in the question-answer session.
KU students beside Sidr affected people
Tareq Islam Shuvo
The students of Khulna University took the initiative to collect relief materials for the Sidr affected people. They collected warm clothes from various homes in Khulna city. They have also raised fund by organizing movie shows, street rallies etc. The relief was distributed to the Sidr affected families in 'Molleker ber' union of Rampal Upazila, Bagerhat, on 24th November 2007. A second team of students will soon visit the hurricane affected areas with more relief.
14th Batch, BBA
Business Administration Discipline Khulna University,
Khulna Bangladesh.
Drug free healthy life at Stamford University
Md. Imran Khan
Stamford Institution on Addiction and Rehabilitation (SIAR) and Bangladesh Narcotics Control Department jointly organized a seminar titled `Drug free healthy life' at the Siddeswari campus of Stamford University Bangladesh on 20th November 2007.
Dr. Aka Firowz Ahmad, Director of SIAR presided over the meeting. Dr. Abdul Ghani, Chairman of Pharmacy Department, Stamford University, gave the welcome speech. Prof. Nazmul Ahsan, Chief consultant of Bangladesh Narcotics Control Department, presented a keynote paper on Drug Addiction.
Prof. Kamaluddin, Pharmacy Department; Mr. Shahidul Islam, Director of the Narcotcs Department; Mr. Abu Taleb; Mr. Mahbubel Karim Khan, Deputy Director of the Narcotics Department; and Mr. Ashraf Alam Kajol, Secretary General of the Anti Drug Federation, participated in the Discussion.
Student, Dept of English
Stamford University, Bangladesh
PGDHE admission test delayed
The admission exam for the Post Graduation Diploma in Health Economics (PGDHE) programme for the session 2005-2006, of the Institute of Health Economics, University of Dhaka, which was supposed to be held on December 7, 2007 has been postponed. The exam will be held on January 11, 2008 at 2:30pm, at the Arts Faculty Building (4th floor, Examination Hall) of Dhaka University.
Towards better writing and better scholars
Star Campus Desk
The BRAC University Writing Lab (BUWL) is an exciting new project launched this month by the BRAC University Teaching Learning Center. The objective of the BUWL is to provide assistance to students in preparing technical articles, term papers, project reports and other domain-specific writing assignments. The labs slogan “we prepare better writers, not just better writing “speaks for itself. The goal is not just to help students finish deadline-oriented tasks but in general improve their writing standard and become more and more self-reliant. The lab also intends to organize a series of workshops on other scholarly aptitudes, such as public speaking, time management, critical thinking and better reading skills.
Coordinated by Mr.A.T.M. Sajedul Huq, and run almost exclusively by senior students, the BUWL is a place where students can go to improve their writing skills at their own pace and in accordance with their own individual needs. The George Washington University Writing Center,USA, has also agreed to assist in the development of the BUWL.
Not just students but all members of the BRAC University community can take advantage of the Labs free services either through walk-in appointments or by scheduling appointments on-line. Having started with a handful of students and advisors from the faculty of each department, the writing lab hopes to soon grow in scope and make an impact on the overall academic quality of the students in BRAC University.
AIDS: When prevention is better than acquiring it!
Farhana Zaman A seminar on HIV/AIDS was organized by American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) on The World AIDS Day, December 1. Moderated by Dr. Charles C. Villanueva, Dean of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS), this seminar witnessed a vibrant participation by experts, faculty members and students alike. Prof. Ahmed Niaz, economist & social scientist from FASS; Mr. Mahidul Islam, population & health specialist from South-South Centre, Mr. Shahnoor Wahid, Assistant Editor of The Daily Star; and faculty members from FASS Dr. Buddha Dev Biswas, Dr. Faheem Hasan Shahed, Dr. Shibly Noman, Ms. Shaira Matin, Mr. Saifuzzaman et al, as well as a large number of students from Business and Arts Faculties voiced their opinions as to how we can have an AIDS-free country.
In his welcome speech, Chairman of AIUB Board of Trustees Dr. Anwarul Abedin urged upon the students to be guided by conscience that stem from religious and social values. Prof. Ahmed Niaz gave the participants a brief idea about the socio-economic impact of HIV/AIDS Pandemic in a global scale. 'Young people who represent the present and the future are the key to any successful fight against HIV/AIDS through awareness, prevention and education,' said Mr. Mahidul Islam, population and health specialist.
Mr. Shahnoor Wahid who is also the editor of Star Campus, shared his unique experience of spending almost a day with AIDS victims in an NGO. He said how he shook hands with them, shared tea and biscuits with them and played indoor games with them as welland came to discover the truth that a bit of sympathetic and cordial behaviour toward them can easily relieve them of the trauma that they suffer from all.
Ms. Nisha Khan, a BBA student who had her schooling in the USA, said that course on HIV/AIDS is offered in educational institutions of America since class IV. Dr. Budhha Dev Biswas, Assistant Professor of FASS, shared his research experience on HIV/AIDS. Dr. Faheem Hasan Shahed, Assistant Professor of FASS, who was conducting the question-answer session, at last came up with a radical means of public awareness. Like the cigarette packets of Singapore or Thailand on which some dreadful pictures of smoking-infected cancer are printed, horrible pictures of AIDS-infected people can be pasted in different high-risk areas, as well as hotel-counters.
In his concluding speech, Dr. Charles C. Villanueva maintained that though the number of infected people is less in our country, many of them are still uncounted. This situation cannot continue like this, and thus some reforms in the curriculum have to be brought in this regard. He promised to include a new subject on HIV/AIDS in the curriculum of Arts & Social Sciences in AIUB as soon as possible to make young generation oriented with the horrific impact of HIV/AIDS. He at last thanked the office executives Mr. Rasedul Islam Pallab, Mr. Sadi and Mr. Rakib for their all out efforts in making this seminar a success.
(The writer is a faculty member of Arts and Social sciences in AIUB)
(R) 2007 |