News Room
Asia Foundation Delegation Visited the library of the Asian University of Bangladesh
A high level delegation from Asia Foundation visited the library of the Asian University of Bangladesh (AUB) Uttara, Dhaka. The delegation was headed by Mr. Gavin-Tott, Director Books program, Washington, USA. He was accompanied by Mr. Kin-Mc Quay, Bangladesh Country Representative and Ms. Shukla Dey, Books program Coordinator, Dhaka Office.
AUB has a big library consisting of about 1.00 (one) lac books, 500 journals, 150 research reports and 1000 audiovisual materials. The main feature of the library is that, it has an Asia Foundation Corner. Asia Foundation has so far donated 5000 books and 900 audiovisual learning resources which have been kept in the corner. Besides Uttara, there is one more Asia Foundation corner at Dhanmondi Campus of the AUB. The materials received from Asia Foundation are found extremely useful for the students and the faculty members of different disciplines of the University.
Asia Foundation, based in Washington, USA, is a non-profit, non-government organization committed to the development of a peaceful, prosperous and open Asia Pacific region. It supports programs in Asia that help improve governance, law, economic reforms and empowerment of women and international relations the foundation has made a significant contribution towards developing the libraries, particularly the public and private universities of Bangladesh.
Professional Skills Development Program for the MBAs
A five-day Professional Skills Development Program (Residential) for the BRACU MBA students was organized at TARC, Savar from Feb 9-14, 2008. The main focus of the program was to help students develop a professional image before they start job hunting. This practical program offered students tools and strategies to job hunt with confidence, write resumes/CVs, be able to face an interview board confidently and enhance abilities to be an effective communicators keeping in mind about the etiquettes.
The program was initiated by Professor Iftekhar Ghani Chowdhury, Dean BRAC Business School and coordinated by Professor Mojib U Ahmed, MBA Program Director assisted by Mr. Satyajit Modak, DCO MBA Program. Amongst the resource persons there were: Dr. Salehuddin Ahmed, Pro VC, BRACU, Mr Mehboob Rahman, Visiting Faculty, MBA, Anup Chowdhury, Lecturer BBS, Mr Sajedul Haque, Head of Writing Lab, Mr. Dominic Bennett, Visiting Faculty, BBA & MBA and Farzana Choudhury, Sr. Asst. Director, Career Services office.
Professor Jamilur Reza Choudhury, Vice Chancellor of BRAC University graced the occasion by spending an afternoon and welcoming such an initiative for the first time for the MBA students.
(The writer is the General Secretary of MBA Forum,
BRAC Business School )
Bangladesh Won the 1st Prize in IEEE Students Branch
EEE Region 10 Students Congress was held at SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, India from 28th January to 30th January 2008. Students from about fifteen countries of Region 10 attended the congress. Under the IEEE Bangladesh section, IEEE students branch of Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST) and Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) attended the congress. One of the events of the congress was project presentation by students from different sections of different countries. The Bangladesh section stood first in the competition. Md. Rizwan Ahmed from AUST and Sajid Muhaimin Chowdhury and Anika Sharin from BUET attended the congress under the guidance of Mr. Jahangir Alam Majumder, Assistant Professor, AUST.
Picnic of DIU English Dept at Tepantar
The English Department of Daffodil International University went for a picnic to Tepantar, Gazipur on February 17, 2008. Tapantar, about two hours journey from Dhaka, is a shooting spot with laudable combination of natural and artificial beauty. About 150 teachers and students of the department spent the whole day at the spot in merrymaking with various programmes. The students arranged a concert which enthralled the audience with “Shob bhalo tui eka bashisney”, “Ural dibo akashey”, “Chumki chalechhey eka pathey”, “Panjabi wala”, “Babuji jara dhirey chala” and other songs. The audience could not but respond to the beat with spontaneous dance. There were also raffle draw and different competitions including musical chair, magic box and passing-thread-through-needle. The Head of the Department, Dr Binoy Barman, distributed prizes among the winners after the competitions. The picnic committee, comprising faculty members Umme Kulsum and Kamal Hossain, demonstrated their feat to organise the programme in a well-disciplined manner
Orientation program at UIU An orientation program Spring 2008 was held in the United International University (UIU) Auditorium at 3.30 pm today.
The Managing Director of Southeast Bank Mr Niaz Ahmed was the chief guest and UIU Board of Governors Honorary Member Mr Muslehuddin Ahmed was a special guest while Prof Dr M Rezwan Khan, Vice Chancellor of UIU was in the chair of the ceremony.
Among others UIU advisor Prof Dr Golam Rahman, UIU Pro-Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Chowdhury Mofizur Rahman, Dean, School of Business Prof Dr Md Habibur Rahman, Prof Dr Mohammad Musa, Director of Students Affairs Suman Ahmmed and about five hundred newly enrolled students and guardians were present in the ceremony.
The speakers of the program hoped that the intention to establish this university was not to add a new name in the list of private universities in Bangladesh. The key persons involved in establishing this university had a noble wish in their hearts which will be a harbour for cultivation of knowledge to the optimum level, research etc.
Chinese Spring festival 2008 celebrated at NSU
Confucius Institute at North South University (NSU) has celebrated the Chinese New Year party known as Spring Festival on February 16 at 6 pm in the NSU campus. Dr Khaliquzzaman Elias, Director of CI gave the welcome address. His Excellency Mr Zheng Qingdian, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China in Bangladesh spoke as the Chief Guest, while Mr Liu Sanzhen, Cultural Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Dhaka, was present as the Special Guest. Dr Hafiz G A Siddiqi, Vice Chancellor, NSU, presided over the function. Professor Jiang Yinlian, Ms Churi, and Mr Asifizaman also spoke on the occasion. His Excellency the Chinese Ambassador distributed the semesterend certificate among the CI students. The speech session was followed by a lively cultural show. The China-Bangladesh friendship song was sung by the CI students and afterwards different cultural performances such as Lion dance, traditional huang mei opera, Bangla and Chinese songs and dance, instrumental music were rendered by CI students, teachers and little children of the Dhaka International School. The festival was attended by a large number of students and their parents.

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