News Room
Northern University 2nd Convocation
Primary and Mass Education Adviser Rasheda K Choudhury asked the graduating students of Northern University to groom themselves as worthy citizens of the country. She said the graduating students should have the capability to face the present and future challenges of the country and they should uphold the values and ideals of the nation.
She was addressing the 2nd convocation of Northern University at Bangladesh-China Friendship Conference Centre in the city. Prof M Abu Bakar Siddiqui, treasurer and executive secretary of International Business, Agriculture and Technology Trust of the Northern University, readout the welcome address. Former chief adviser Justice Latifur Rahman and Vice-Chancellor of Northern University Dr M Shamsul Haque also spoke on the occasion.
Rasheda said Bangladesh was considered a disaster-prone poor country. But, the image of the country has been brightened considerably following successes in microcredit programmes, female and primary education and gender equality. Dr Rabindra Pandey, Binita Kumari Paudel and Md Abdul Ghani were awarded Vice-Chancellor's Medal for their outstanding results in the examinations on the occasion.
(Source: Metro Desk/The Daily Star)
Counselling at Marie Curie School
Apollo Hospitals Dhaka recently organised Health and Mental Care Counselling on Adolescent issues at Marie Curie School on behavioural patterns of the students, emotional crisis, physical changes and relationship with teachers/parents/peers.
At the program, knowledge and guidelines was disseminated on how to handle the adolescent issues on daily school activities to the section heads and student affair teachers. In addition, the program was aimed to raise the awareness level of adolescent healthcare issues to ensure the proper upbringing of the adolescents of our society.
Dr. Abu Iqbal, Neonatology & Paediatrics and Counsellor Ms. Farhat Hasan of Apollo Hospitals Dhaka conducted the Program.
Workshop on Finance & Banking at AUB
The Finance department of Asian University of Bangladesh organized a workshop on Finance & Banking at its auditorium of Uttara Campus on 4th July,08. The workshop was inaugurated by the Vice-Chancellor of AUB Prof. Dr. Abul Hasan M. Sadeq. Among others, the Pro- VC, Proctor, BBA department head, Md. Majum Ali Vice president of NNC Bank, Baqui Md. Omar Faruk Senior Executive Officer DBBL and Mr. Anwarul Karim Senior Executive Officer Jamuna Bank were present on the occasion. The workshop was organised by Monir Ahmed, Lecturer School of Business, AUB and the Students of 22nd & 23rd Batches.
Orientation Programme Summer '08 of UITS
The Orientation Program of University of Information Technology & Sciences (UITS) for Summer '08 has been held in The Institution of Engineers Chittagong Centre on 1st July, 2008. Professor Gowher Rizvi, Director, Ash Institute for Democratic Governance and Innovation, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, USA was in the ceremony to present the Orientation speech on 'liberal education'.
Workshop on 'Tips and tricks of facing a job interview' @ EWU
Ayesha Bari
Job Interview is the chapter of a student where s/he gets the chance to be introduces with the corporate world. It has an enormous importance in each and everyone's life. To help the students bring out their best in such nail-biting situation, EWU MBA Club arranged a workshop on 'tips & tricks of facing a job interview' on 29 June 2008 at the EWU premises. The program was chaired by Dr. Nazrul Islam, Coordinator, Graduate Studies, EWU. Mr. Asif Iqbal COO, ACI Ltd and Ex-Marketing Director of AKTEL was present as chief guest and Ms. Naila Chowdhury, Group Director, Business Development & HROD, Aamra Group was present as the guest speaker.
Charismatic Leader the definition has been taught a lot of times in our curriculum but we hardly got to see it in person. The way Ms. Naila Chowdhury and Mr. Asif Iqbal conducted the whole session was a real pleasure to observe and at the same time it was extremely useful for our careers. Ms. Naila Chowdhury was very focused on the topic and gave some very useful tips on how to be prepared well to face an interview board and also answered participants' enquiries. While on the other hand Mr. Asif Iqbal conducted an interactive session and took the audience on a tour to a dreamland. He made them think the reasons of their success and failure, recognize their values and realize the importance of winning in life. In his word…Jodi lokho thake otut, bishash hridoye, hobei hobei dekha, dekha hobe bijoye.
At the end of the session Tanvir Omer, President, EWU MBA Club placed the vote of thanks and introduced each member of the Executive Body of EWU MBA Club to the audience by calling them on stage who worked extremely hard to make the session successful.
Corporate Grooming Workshop held at NSU
Lindsay Charlene Atkinson
North South University Social Services Club (NSUSSC) organized a “Corporate Grooming Workshop” on June 25, 2008. The main objective of this workshop was to bridge the gap between students and the corporate world. Habib's at Persona and Persona decided to support NSUSSC as part of their corporate social responsibility.
 Dr. Hafiz G.A. Siddiqi, Vice-Chancellor of North South University was the chief guest at the event. Laurent Therond, Managing Director, NestleÌ Bangladesh Ltd, Sheema Abid Rahman, Director, Corporate Affairs, ACI Bangladesh Ltd, Fatema Rizwana, HR Consultant, PeopleMatter, Syed Uddin, HR Manager, HSBC Bangladesh and M.A. Abdullah, Head of Change Management & Human Resources Division, AB Bank Bangladesh Ltd. shared their views on competency and the expectations that companies have from fresh graduates. They also elaborated on how graduates should prepare for interviews, improve interpersonal relationships and communication skills at work and highlighted the importance of personal grooming. This was followed by an interactive session with the guest speakers and the students.
Finally, Ms. Kaniz Almas Khan demonstrated for the students the difference between corporate and casual attire, how hair should be styled and make-up should be worn to work to avoid giving off the wrong vibe. The show concluded with a Raffle Draw where the prizes included a laptop sponsored by Acer and printers, pen drives sponsored by Persona. The companies also offered internship placements for NSU students and Persona gift vouchers were given to everyone in the audience. NSUSSC hopes to make this an annual event so that each year more students can benefit from such workshops.
National Cisco Skills Competition 2008 held at AIUB
Edward Apurba Singha
American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) organized country's first ever “National Cisco Skills Competition 2008” on July 5, 2008. Dr. Carmen Z, Lamagna, Vice Chancellor, AIUB inaugurated this networking skill competition. In all 34 teams from 10 universities including Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST), American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), BRAC University, Daffodil International University (DIU), Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology (DUET), Premier University from Chittagong, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology from Sylhet, Stamford University, and United International University (UIU) took part in the programme.
The competition was divided into three segments. The first two levels included online MCQ exam and then network configuration through computer simulation (Packet Tracer). Total 10 teams qualified for the final round from these two screening levels. In the final round competitors showed their hands-on trouble shooting with pre-configured networks. The Champions Trophy was awarded to the “AIUB Leaders”, followed by “AIUB Sparks” as 1st Runner Up, and finally “AIUB Scholars” as the 2nd Runners Up. Other seven teams qualified as the top ten finalists were AIUB Gladiators, AIUB Legends, BUET Challenger, BUET Destiny, BUET Discovery, BRAC Sapiens and Premier Discovery. At the end of the program, the Cisco representatives declared that the first three winners of this contest would be invited by Cisco to compete in the SAARC Regional competition in Bangalore at the end of August, whereas the Champions would represent Bangladesh in the Asia-Pacific Championship in Melbourne, Australia sometimes this year. Appreciating the well organized event at AIUB, Mr. Lokesh Mehra, Regional Manager, South Asia of Cisco Systems Inc. has expressed his keen interest to organize the 2009 Skills Competition in Bangladesh on a regional basis, involving Bhutan, Nepal, Eastern States of India, West Bengal, and Orissa.
(R) 2008 |