Thank Heavens for Those Good Teachers!
Suranjana Hoque
ASSIGNMENTS, reports, presentations, quizzes, class tests and of course, exams. Life goes on in the campus. Then another week comes by with its share of even more assignments, quizzes and class tests.
To be honest, that's not all. In the middle of all the hubbub of getting an education, we do get time for ourselves. There's lot of scope for entertainment in the campus if you want it. There are many clubs to demonstrate your talent. You can hang out with friends, plan tours to unheard of places; debate on issues that barely concern us. At home, we take time out with TV, books, music or the Internet. And of course, our mobile phones!
At the end of the day, we are more or less pleased with ourselves. We did things that were supposed to be done (or at least most of it). In this new competitive world, our goal is to do better. Better than what we are doing now, better than others. The goal is simply betterment - better jobs, better lives and in order to get all these, a better education.
Our educational institutes have tailored themselves to match with the needs of the students and their parents. They come in different types and sizes. Pick one according to your need and ability. This is all very good, and necessary too, but sometimes a feeling drifts across the mind - is that it? If this is all that we were supposed to do, then where does this feeling of incompleteness come from? We have to be successful professionals. We have to keep pace with today's world. But then, we're also human beings with a conscience. We are at the stage of life where people are full to the brim with new ideas, enthusiasm and the courage to challenge everything.
The education we are getting, prepares us for the life ahead. Fine. That is very important. But it should do more than just that. This is where good teachers enter the picture.
Teachers are the most important people in the education system. Not only because they possess knowledge that we don't, but also because they are the ones who can inspire students to bring out the best in themselves. The teacher- student relationship is different from any other. A teacher is in the best position to spot potentials in a student. Teachers can help surface latent potentials in students. When you look back, you will find that your favourite teacher was your favourite because he or she could inspire you in one way or another.
That's what students want from teachers - guidance and inspiration.
In our present situation, where education is more of a commercial product than a noble process of gathering knowledge, good teachers are gradually becoming a rarity. It's hard to find teachers who would go beyond to search the minds of the young. But isn't this also a part of their duty as an educator? Fortunately, such good teachers have not become extinct. Not yet. Thank Heavens! Some good teachers are still alive. We are proud of them and thankful to them. They are the reasons why we can still have 'some' hope and faith in our education system.
(The writer is a student of the Department of Business Administration, Jahangirnagar University)