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Linking Young Minds Together
     Volume 2 Issue 95 | November 23 2008|


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Artist's statement

There was a report on GulshanH ossain's art exhibition at Jahangirnagar University in the Star Campus issue last week. It was not a complete report with some facts missing. We are happy to present here the artist's own statement about her art series on 1971. We have also given a brief introduction on her many achievements.

Drowning in Ice

Andalib Rubayat

May be I am dreaming; may be not. Everything is white around me. Surrounded by the peaceful world of boulders, and framed by the Himalayas, this is more than just a trek; it is for me a pilgrimage to one of the most remarkable adventures on earth.

A Bright Life Cut Short

Ananya Rubayat

His name was Ahmed al Faisal. He was 24 years old, a student of the civil engineering department in BUET.

Exams are like a rollercoaster

Experience of being an Editor

Conflicting forces in history

Dr Binoy Barman

What Georg Hegel and Karl Marx said is true, I suppose. Time advances through conflicts.

The Deserving and the Deprived

Deeni Fatiha

A common custom practiced throughout the world is to award excellence in the academic arena.

Devout till Death

Wrishi Thakur Raphael

The earthly remains of two of India's most fascinating politicians can be seen in Indira Gandhi Memorial Museum.

Addiction of a Different Kind

Kazi Hayat Reza

The boy entered his home after a long and tedious day at school.

Thank Heavens for Those Good Teachers!

Suranjana Hoque

Assignments, reports, presentations, quizzes, class tests and of course, exams.

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