Artist's statement
There was a report on GulshanH ossain's art exhibition at Jahangirnagar University in the Star Campus issue last week. It was not a complete report with some facts missing. We are happy to present here the artist's own statement about her art series on 1971. We have also given a brief introduction on her many achievements.
Drowning in Ice
Andalib Rubayat
May be I am dreaming; may be not. Everything is white around me. Surrounded by the peaceful world of boulders, and framed by the Himalayas, this is more than just a trek; it is for me a pilgrimage to one of the most remarkable adventures on earth. |
A Bright Life Cut Short
Ananya Rubayat
His name was Ahmed al Faisal. He was 24 years old, a student of the civil engineering department in BUET.
Exams are like a rollercoaster
Experience of being an Editor |
Conflicting forces in history
Dr Binoy Barman
What Georg Hegel and Karl Marx said is true, I suppose. Time advances through conflicts. |
The Deserving and the Deprived
Deeni Fatiha
A common custom practiced throughout the world is to award excellence in the academic arena. |
Devout till Death
Wrishi Thakur Raphael
The earthly remains of two of India's most fascinating politicians can be seen in Indira Gandhi Memorial Museum. |
Addiction of a Different Kind
Kazi Hayat Reza
The boy entered his home after a long and tedious day at school.
Thank Heavens for Those Good Teachers!
Suranjana Hoque
Assignments, reports, presentations, quizzes, class tests and of course, exams. |