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Linking Young Minds Together
     Volume 2 Issue 136 | September 13 , 2009|


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Dear Readers of Star Campus,

Please send us some lines, as examples given below, on how we should handle environment in Bangladesh.
Let us keep in mind that we are educated and privileged. Also let us not forget that Bangladesh is a part of this world. A better Bangladesh, a better world.
Send your comments (100+words) with your photo and identity to starcampus@gmail.com

"The world would be a better place if everybody learned to think like scientists. I don't mean they should know more science, although that would be nice too. I mean that everybody should base their beliefs upon evidence, and be highly suspicious of any beliefs that are not based on evidence".
Richard Dawkins

"The best way to make the world a better place is to make it not the only place for us. We should establish a self-supporting colony on Mars."
---J. Richard Gott

"I think that our best course of action is to spend at least as much effort adapting to global heating as in attempts to slow or stop it happening."
---James Lovelock

Blueprint for a better world

We live in an imperfect world. Poverty, disease, lack of education, environmental destruction - the problems are all too obvious. Many people don't have clean water, let alone enough food, and the unsustainable lifestyle of the wealthy few is storing up catastrophic climate change.

Can we do anything about it? You bet we can. Technology is a double-edged sword, but science and reason have made our lives immeasurably better overall - and only through science and reason can we hope to make a real difference in the future. So here and over the next three weeks, New Scientist will explore diverse ideas for making the world a better place, and the evidence backing them.

This week, we look at some radical ideas for transforming society and changing the way countries are run. We also examine the state of the world as it is today, to see whether things are getting better or worse.

Next week, we'll report on what you as an individual can do to make a difference. Then we'll explore what many see as the fundamental problem: overpopulation. And finally, we'll ponder the profound and long-lasting changes we are making to our home planet.

(Source: New Scientist)


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