News Room
Workshop at Bangladesh Agricultural University
Aminul Islam

ON March 7 speakers at a two day workshop on Annual Research Progress of the Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) 2008-2009 stressed on the need for scientific knowledge and technology and globalization in order to attain sustainable agricultural development strategies to raise food production in Bangladesh.
Organized by the BAU Research System (BAURES), the inaugural session of the workshop was attended by Adviser to the Prime Minister for Education, Social Development and Political Affairs Professor Dr. Alauddin Ahmed. He was the Chief Guest while Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr. M. A. Sattar Mandal was the Chief Patron.
Held at the Shilpacharya Zainul Abedin auditorium, the inaugural function was presided over by BAURES Director Professor Dr. Md. Shahid Ullah Talukder while Alhaj Principal Matiur Rahman, M.P. and Dr. Wais Kabir, Executive Chairman, BARC were the special guests. Professor Dr. Md. Sultan Uddin Bhuiyan, Coordinator, CASR and Professor Dr. Md. Ruhul Amin, Associate Director, BAURES, spoke on the occasion explaining education and research system of the University. Dr. Wais Kabir presented the keynote paper entitled 'Vision of Agricultural Research in the Climate Change' at the inaugural session of the workshop. A total of 148 research papers were presented at the workshop divided into 11 technical sessions under six faculties of the University.
All Deans of Faculties, teachers, researchers, scientists from different national and international organizations, journalists from print and electronic media and high officials of the university administration were present at the inaugural session of the workshop.
Flag Hoisting Day celebrated at DU
Md.Naibur Rahman

Teachers and students of Dhaka University and other universities headed towards the Oparajeyo Bangla of DU with flags on 2 March 2010 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of National Flag Hoisting.
DU Vice-Chancellor Prof AAMS Arefin Siddique, Pro VC Prof Harun-or-Rashid, DU Teachers` Association President Khandakar Bazlur Rahman, former VP of DUCSU Mahfuza Khanam graced the occasion with their presence. The Special Guest shared the history of this day by remembering ASM Abdur Rab the then VP of DUCSU who hoisted the flag of Bangladesh for the very first time at the Dhaka University premises. He revived the essence of sovereignty and patriotism as the students took the oath conducted by Mahfuza Anam. The programme was hosted by Joyodhoni Cultural Organization.
Seminar on Energy crisis in Bangladesh
Md. Aynal Haque Rana and Atanu Dev

A national seminar on 'How to overcome the energy crisis in Bangladesh' was held on 23 February 2010 at the UODA's seminar room. The seminar was jointly organized by the University Of Development Alternative (UODA) and Bestway Powertech Ltd. Muhammad Enamul Huq, MP, Honorable State Minister, Ministry of Power, Energy & Mineral Resources; Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh was present at the seminar as the Chief Guest. The inaugural session was addressed by the Chairman, Organizing Committee and Pro-vice Chancellor of the University of Development Alternative, Professor Dr. Mohammad Rahmatullah and Vice chancellor of the University Professor Dr. Emajuddin Ahamed.
A technical meeting followed the session where Professor Dr. Osman Gani Talukder, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, was the keynote speaker. Other distinguished speakers at the technical session were Dr. Md. Khairul Islam from Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, Dr. A.T.M. Kamrul Hassan, Rajshahi University, Md. Atiqur Rahman Sarker, Filament Research Wing, Professor Dr. Rezaul Karim Mazumder, Dhaka University, and Ibrahim Ahmed Shafi, EGCB (Electronics Generation Company of Bangladesh). Various technical solutions towards overcoming the present energy crisis in the country were presented at the technical session.
(Student of UODA, Photos taken by Saimus Sakib Evan)
Seminar at Pabna University of Science and Technology
Ahmed Humayun Kabir Topu
"PABNA University of Science and Technology' (PUST) organized a seminar to enhance the quality of higher education titled 'Workshop on Academic Innovation Fund Mobilization'. It was funded by Higher Education Quality Enhance Project (HEQEP) of University Grants Commission (UGC) and was held at Pabna Zila Parishad auditorium on Sunday, March 7, 2010.
Professor Dr. Md. Anisur Rahman, Chairman of Business Administration, Department of PUST chaired the seminar while the Vice Chancellor of PUST Dr. Mojaffar Hossain spoke as the Chief Guest. Among others Dr. Md. Shahidullah, Chairman of English Department of Rajshahi University, Dr. Md. Tofazzal Hossain Tarafdar, Professor of Chemistry Department of RU spoke on the occasion.
The speakers stressed on the need of proper training to the teachers for ensuring the quality education.
“Without good quality education we’ll be unable to perform globally. We need quality education to face the global challenges. If students get quality education then the creative manpower would be available so we need to develop our educational system,” experts told in the seminar.
Stressing the need for trained teachers the speakers said that teachers must be trained up to ensure quality education. Even if a student secures first class first that does not mean that he would be the best teacher. A good teacher should not follow lecture-oriented method only. They have to interact with the students and engage them in various modern learning methods. For that reason they must be trained properly. Shahjalal University Day Observed
Inaugration of Bracu writing centre
Rakshinda Huq and Proggna Paromita Majumder

On 28 February, 2010 BRAC University proudly instated its long awaited writing centre, located on the 13th floor of the university building. The former Vice Chancellor of BRAC University, Professor Jamilur Reza Choudhury formally inaugurated the centre.
The concept of writing centre is neither to teach students how to write papers nor to edit them. Rather it aims to help them rediscover and enhance their innate writing skills and express their thoughts through words. We, the student mentors working at the Writing Centre, try our best to make students comfortable so that they feel free to share the difficulties they face in writing. We have also decided to keep each student's profile confidential.
Preceding the inauguration, a brief speech session was held. In the session, Proggna Paromita Majumder shared her thoughts on behalf of all the students mentors. This was followed by a speech by Syeda Samara Mortada, the head of the Writing Centre and Lisa Ponzetti, the English Language Fellow. In conclusion, the Pro-VC, Professor, MD. Golam Samdani Fakir and the VC showered us with words of encouragement.
The VC in his speech stated that weaknesses in writing is a common problem amongst many individuals in Bangladesh, therefore, Writing Centers such as ours can help them overcome such issues. He further added that the centre would assist students and faculty members of BRACU in exploring and understanding the process of writing assignments, school applications and or any other form of writing.
Faculty members from other departments were also present on the occasion. The ceremony ended with a round of congratulations and some refreshment.
(R) 2010 |