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Linking Young Minds Together
     Volume 2 Issue 13| March 28, 2010|


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NDF- An Organisation, a family

Yamin Tauseef Jahangir

AFTER working in all districts of Bangladesh over the months, National Debate Federation Bangladesh (NDF BD) decided to reach out for Saint Martin. It was nothing regarding debating competition, rather for a noble cause. A concern of NDF called National Debate Federation Running Blood Bank (NRBB) made a survey and came out with a result which states around 95% of the population in Saint Martin do not know about their Blood Group. Hence, the organisation decided to raise awareness amongst these people by doing a two-day blood grouping campaign. Moreover NDF BD planned youth leadership training for the upcoming leaders who will take the federation forward in achieving more goals in future.

As I got the opportunity to tag along with them, I got to meet some of the great patriotic sprits who were dedicated, determined and had a desire to bring a change. The team started off from Dhaka all the way towards Teknaf. A journey of thirteen hours was indeed tiring, but the enthusiasm within the young hearts endured all odds. Although we were running behind schedule, but we managed to board the cruise which almost gave up hope of our arrival. With thirty people, a nervous little angel, tons of duffle bags, heavy breaths and a youthful exuberance was all that we took with us for an incredible journey. The cruise was relaxing and I got hold of a student who was equally interested in photography like me. The rest of the two hours was spent on lens works and a not so enjoyable tan. The moment arrived when the massive structure changed its course and headed for the island. NDF BD had its arrangement been done previously, so accommodation and food was not a worrying factor. The team was upto their task from the moment they put their foot on the white sand. The members got hold of the local people and together they started making announcements about the campaign. Soon there was a huge turn out and the blood grouping began at the primary school premise of the place. Men and women were separated where female medical students handled women and male students took care of men. A blood grouping process does not put an end to the task, every individual also needs to be informed about its importance and for that matter few other students were available who patiently spoke to everybody present. The main drawback was the electricity which sadly was not there in Saint Martin. As a consequence, students had to face severe challenge regarding the slide observation and confirming the result. But the locals were very much helpful, and later managed power by the help of a generator. The campaign ended around eight at night and we all got back to base.

Since NDF BD had to cover a lot in two days of their stay, the schedules were pretty tight. No sooner we got back that we saw a bon fire was made and we engaged ourselves in youth leadership training program. The Chairman of NDF BD, AKM Shoaib, talked about the function of the federation and accompanied by Co-Chairmen, Majed Azad and Dr. Kudrat-E- Elahi they all discussed the future of NDF BD, so that people who worked should understand the importance of the team. After the meeting session, a prize giving ceremony took place where the best debaters in certain categories were recognised. In the ceremony Chairman of NDF BD, AKM Shoaib, Co-Chairmen, Majed Azad and Dr. Kudrat-E- Elahi, NRBB Chief Coordiantor, H. N. Ashequr Rahman, NRBB Coordiantor, Shamarukh Mahjabin and Tour Chief Coocrdinator, KMH Bappa were present to honour the debaters. When done, few students tried to put on a firecracker show, which apparently did not go as expected, but nevertheless it was worth trying. A delicious bar-b-q dinner was all that was needed to make our never-satisfied tummy to be content for the night. A walk by the beach on a starry night, with "Here With Me" of Dido, or "Champaign Supernova" by Oasis, would add volume to your imagination and for me at that moment, it was in fact the latter.

The next day, the team started working from six in the morning. Some went up to the mosque and managed to use the mike for drawing attention, and there was more response. The next three hours proved to be a success as more than hundred people volunteered for this campaign. If you think there's not much to do in Saint Martin, then you are wrong. A trawler ride to Chera Deep, just a few miles from Saint Martin, is a place where you will find the coral riffs which truly is a magnificent sight. NDF family were busy sightseeing and photography sessions need not be mentioned. The thing that I enjoyed most in the whole trip was variety of fish fries and quite a number of coconuts. When it was time to head back for the capital, NDF BD brought back a successful training, wonderful campaign, memories to live a lifetime, bar-b-q moments, dive on ocean water, the sunset view and a roller coaster bus ride!

Photo Credit: Yamin T. Jahangir

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