A New Hero in the town:
Channel I-Campus HERO
Shahriar Rahman

So do you want to roll up your sleeves and give a hand in the community or do you have an extraordinary plan to recycle electronic waste in your community or maybe you have a vision and aptitude to prevent illiteracy. Well this is your lucky break cause Channel-i is organizing a nationwide talent hunt for university students just like you. With the slogan: 'Hariye Jao , Chariye Jao Bhalo Kaajey', Campus Hero, the first of its kind, is a program that is to be launched next month in Channel-i. The program will recognize students as a Campus Hero based on their general knowledge, attitude, behaviour, physical and mental strength and their command on textbooks. The participants will have to face quizzes on fashion, glamour, dance and song. Viewers can vote for anyone to make someone Campus Hero by short message service (SMS). Auditions will be held shortly. The program is likely to have 26 Episodes. To join in all you need is to log in to the Channel-i website and download the participation form and fill it up. In addition to that you have to sketch some outlines of the dream project of yours in 500 words. Also you need to attach two passport size pictures and your university ID. You can email it to campushero@channelitv.net or mail it in hardcopy to Channel I, GPO Box No 9999. Any wild guess who is going to be the judge? Well it is our beloved educationist and litterateur Prof Abdullah Abu Sayeed, the main judge of the show. The program is planned, scripted and hosted by Assistant Professor of Dhaka University Shykh Imtiaz and is produced by Ananya Ruma. Agami Bangladesh and Women and Gender Studies Students Forum worked for the research works. All the informations were revealed in a press conference in Channel-i Tejgoan Studio. United Nation's Student Association-Bangladesh (UNYSA-B) members are arranging and coordinating with Channel-i to make the event a success.
(The writer is a member of UNYSA-B)
In the last issue of Star Campus an error has occurred in the article International Experience Trip of MBA students-Yale University, USA. The name of the bank is Citibank N.A. and not Citi Bank N.A. We regret the misinterpretation.