For a Better Tomorrow
Yamin Tauseef Jahangir
IN developing countries like Bangladesh health has always remained to be a concern since poverty stricken face of millions is a regular scenario. There is a poor sense of knowledge about health in people and many does not even understand the preventive measures that may be taken to protect themselves from diseases in their everyday life. In such context, there is a need for responsible shoulders to carry out the task of awareness, cure, consultation and innovative approach for treatment. Although the education institutions have produced some brilliant health experts and researchers, there is still a need for more helping hands to reach out to the huge population.
Child labour, hazardous labour and occupational hazards are also critical motives towards such vulnerability of health in Bangladesh. Climate change and destruction of biodiversity is causing new species of microorganisms to emerge thereby threatening lives and livelihood to a great extent. The country requires more research firms apart from the existing ones and dexterous people who will be devoted towards extensive analytical work as well as show competence in finding solutions to diseases with regard to our environment. Microbiologists, Toxicologists and experts in Biodiversity and Conservation do possess immense knowledge on the adverse effects of chemical and physical agents on living organisms.
Microbiologists are the ones who focus on the biology of microorganisms at both the molecular and cellular level, as well as their ecology. They also study many important practical problems in medicine, agriculture and industry, looking at how microorganisms affect us and how we can exploit them. As far as the future of our country is concerned, microbilogists play a significant role in developing and planning methods to prevent the spread of disease, developing and registering new medicines, vaccines, diagnostic tests and pharmaceutical products and last but not the least planning and organising resources and activities. Toxicologists on the other hand plan and carry out laboratory and field studies to identify, monitor and evaluate the impact of toxic materials and radiation on human and animal health, the environment, and the impact of future technology. A greater percentage of people are exposed to toxic conditions on a regualr basis in Bangladesh and even suffer from diseases which they eventually spread to their surrounding. Toxicologists are expected to carrying out risk analyses, assessing toxicity and creating safety profiles. They are also responsible for measurement and study of the effects of harmful chemicals, biological agents and drug overdoses on the human body. Unfortunately the country does not have enough resources or funding to provide the facilities required to carry out experiments and come up with solutions. Moreover, considering the current scenario, many students do not even preffer to build a career on the mentioned subjects as they believe it is a complete waste. But the skills and the knowledge never go in vain when you know its proper areas for implication.
Landfilling, deforestation, poaching and pollution- all have been the prime causes of creating imbalance to nature and also its habitat. The country needs strict rules and regulations that will have zero tolerence against people who are involved in such activities. Besides these, biodiversity and conservation should be given utmost priority as it the key towards the sustainance of life and also the extinction of a generation. Students should study these subjects as they are interesting and grows a sense of realisation on to what extent we are damaging our ecosystem for our own benefit and also to improve our way of living. Study on microbiology or molecular biology and toxicology broaden your thoughts and allow you to have a comprehensive understanding on the risk factors involved in health and the solutions to it. Bangladesh is always striving for success but the lackings in health issues need to be dealt by us, the people, and we can acquire education in the above mentioned subjects and take the positive steps towards a better tommorow.