Workshop for YES on Leadership in Ctg
Shushmita Ahmed
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” John Quincy Adams.
Real leadership is not about climbing to a position of authority. Rather, real leadership is an activity that helps improve the human condition. On 7 July 2010 to train its Youth Engagement and Support (YES) members, Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) organized a workshop on Leadership at 'Karitash' in Chittagong. The motto behind this event was to raise awareness among the youth in their responsibilities towards their society and most importantly, to nurture the next generation of leaders. The workshop kicked off at 10 am. Advocate Akhtar Kabir Chowdhury, Convener, Committee of Concerned Citizens (CCC), Chittagong Metropolitan, TIB inaugurated the program and said, “Whatever you believe and decide should be for the benefit of the society. And a true leader should not only be passionate about his goal but also be able to take up challenges and be adventurous”. Among them, Jesmin Sultana Paru, Convener of YES, Chittagong Metropolitan urged that it is very important to be true to oneself to become a good leader. TIB officials were the facilitators of the workshop.
The daylong workshop was divided into three parts. The first session focused on values, mission, vision, definition and history of YES. Later on, several styles of leadership, qualities of a leader, elements of leadership, traditional approach vs. empowerment approach of leadership, empowerment of women were discussed. The last session included Right to Information Act, 2009; basic essentials of communication, characteristics of an effective communication and several games, presentations by the YES.
The YES members raise their voice to combat corruption and bring sustainable change in society by making the mass people aware, thus continuing their journey as true leaders