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Pharma week at State University of Bangladesh
Pharmacy Department of State University of Bangladesh (SUB) observed 'Pharma Week-2011' from February 6-12, 2011. Prof. Dr. Iftekhar Ghani Chowdhury, Vice Chancellor of SUB inaugurated the rally as chief guest. Prof. A Y M Ekram-ud-Daulah, Registrar, Major Gen (Retd.) M. Shahjahan, Treasurer and all teachers and students were also present on the rally.
As a part of the Pharma Week all the teachers and students enjoyed an annual picnic and cultural programmes.
All teachers and students were present at the rally of “Pharma Week-2011”.Courtesy: SUB |
The champion team of the Intra department cricket tournament.Courtesy: SUB |
Last day of Pharma Week was titled 'Freshers Reception and Cultural Programme' was held at SUB auditorium. Prof. Dr. Iftekhar Ghani Chowdhury, Vice Chancellor of SUB; Prof. A Y M Ekram-ud-Daulah, Registrar, SUB; Prof. Dr. Rebecca Banu, Head, Department of Pharmacy, Md. Saiful Islam Pathan, Head Academic Affairs, Department of Pharmacy spoke on the occasion. A. K. M. Faizul Islam, student, 12th batch of pharmacy department spoke on behalf of the current students while Nusrat Mehjabin from 18th batch, spoke on behalf of the new batch. All the students of the Pharmacy Department actively participated in the Pharma Week 2011.