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September 14, 2003 

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A worst incident for law professionals

Mohammed Mamun Al Feruje

Lawyers are treated as the gladiator of establishing justice not only in the courtroom but also in the society. It is their duty to help their clients get justice but not sole one. To exercise democracy, implementation of the rule of law, keep the public confidence awake upon judiciary lawyers can play a vital role by the way of practising law as the gentleman profession.

The rule of law is an essential feature of civilised society and a precondition for realising justice. Advocates are called learned and respected as model of integrity. They should be dedicated to the task of upholding the rule of law and defending at all times, without fear or favour the rights of citizens. It is also expected from the lawyers to contribute significantly to the creation and maintenance of conditions in which a government established by law can function fruitfully so as to ensure the realisation of political, economic and social justice. And so in order to discharge there high obligation advocates must perform certain norms of behaviour in their relations with members of the profession, their clients, the courts and the public generally.

In order to control the professional conduct of the lawyers is regulated by The Bangladesh Legal Practitioners and Bar Council Order Act and Rules 1972. According to chapter 1, it is the duty of every Advocate to uphold at all times the dignity and high standing of his profession as well as his own dignity and high standing as a member of lawyers community. But in real sense, especially in the lower court the conduct of lawyers can be put before question that degrades the profession.

The incident which took place on 6th September in the Dhaka Bar Association premises is an ugly turn of demolishing the dignity of lawyers. There is a sharp political division exists among lawyers, which is common practice. But clash among lawyers can not be expected at all because if the jurists violate the law, extend their hands for that and beckon one to do so escaping the umbrella of law, what will do the rest of society? It is a worst incident for law professionals. Pugnacious attitude of the leaned man of the nation must be avoided. The occurrence that was took place at the Dhaka Bar Association not only devalued the dignity of lawyers but also declines public confidence upon the lawyers and courts. Because of this malpractice the guilty Advocates should be punished.

To stop this kind of incident we have to reconstruct the way of becoming lawyer. Man of integrity, having good educational background and the meritorious student should come in this profession. But it is sorry to say having a third class in one's educational qualification though closed all other doors he is able to become a student of law and ultimately becoming a lawyer. The society will get hardly good service from that kind of lawyers. Though now-a-days some qualitative students are coming from the University that will up grade the decorum of lawyers society. It is badly needed to close the door of one entering law profession having third class. Integrity and high standing of legal profession will not sustain unless dignity is maintained.

Mohammed Mamun Al Feruje is an LL.M student, Dhaka University.

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