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  <%-- Page Title--%> Issue No 124 <%-- End Page Title--%>  

January 11, 2004 

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A petty or underhanded lawyer or an attorney who sustains a professional livelihood on disreputable or dishonourable business. The word has also taken on an common usage definition referring to anyone prone to quibbling over details.

Physical custody
A child custody decision which grants the right to organise and administer the day to day residential care of a child. This is usually combined with legal custody.

To object publicly, on or adjacent to the employer's premises, to an employer's labour practices, goods or services. The most common form of picketing is patrolling with signs.

A medieval punishment and restraining device made of moveable and adjustable boards through which a prisoner's head or limbs were pinned. Pillories were often fixed to the ground in a city's main square and on market days, local criminals were exhibited. Citizens were given license to throw things at the prisoners. As such, this method of punishment was not just humiliating but often led to serious injury or death. For the government, this was a public statement serving to warn others of the consequences of crime.

The person who brings an case to court; who sues. May also be called "claimant", "petitioner" or "applicant. The person being sued is generally called the "defendant" or the "respondent."

Petty offence
A minor crime and for which the punishment is usually just a small fine or short term of imprisonment.


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