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May 23, 2004 

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External behaviors may identify the intention of the accused

High Court Division (Criminal Appellate Jurisdiction)
Criminal Appeal No 703 of 1998
Nasir Howlader
The State
Before Mr. Justice Mohammad Anwarul Haque and
Mr. Justice AKM Asaduzzaman,
Date of Judgment: January 11, 2004
Result : Appeal dismissed

Mohammad Anwarul Haque, J: This appeal is directed against the judgement and order of conviction passed by the learned Sessions Judge, Begerhat on 06.04.1998. In Sessions Case No 38 of 1995 where the learned Session Judge has found the accused appellant guilty of the offence punishable under section 304(1) of the Penal Code and sentenced him to suffer rigorous imprisonment for life. Also to pay a fine of Tk 5,000/=; in default; to suffer for 6(six) months more. In short, the case of the prosecution is as follows: On 16.2.1995 at about 1.00 PM while deceased Moshiur Rahman was preparing to take bath in the water of the cannel. Keeping his working material spade on the bank in front of the house of Abdul Mannan Howlader, the accused Nasir Howlader and others were crossing on way to village Fulhata the deceased Moshiur Rahman asked him why he has not given the paddy to his full brother which is due to him. On that issue there was hot exchange of words and ultimately accused Nasir Howlader took spade and gave two consecutive murderous blow on the occipital region of the head and quickly left the place of occurrence and took shelter in the house of one Delwar Hossain Howlader. Thereafter, deceased immediately was taken to the hospital for treatment but on the early part of following day victim succumbed to his injuries. In the meantime police with the help of local law enforcing agencies apprehended the accused person and took him into the custody from the house of Delwar Hossain Howlader. Narrating these, brother of the deceased lodged the FIR in the Morelganj Police Station. It was recorded punishable under section 302 of the Penal Code and handed over it to investigating officer who ultimately submitted a report with a recommendation to stand trial of the lone accused Nasir Uddin Howlader for committing the offence punishable under section 302 of the Penal Code. During the course of trial charge was so framed against the accused-appellant punishable under section 302 of the Penal Code which was duly read over and explained to the accused-appellant where he abjured his guilt and claimed to be tried. The defence case as it transpires from the trend of cross-examination and suggestion put that he has been falsely implicated in this case out of previous enmity. He has neither assaulted to the deceased on the date, time and manner nor he has caused the death of the deceased in any way as alleged by the prosecution. Considering the evidence the learned Sessions Judge has found the accused-appellant guilty of the offence of culpable homicide not amounting to murder. Thereby awarded sentence of imprisonment for life with fine of Tk 5,000/= in default to pay six months rigorous imprisonment more under section 304(1) of the Penal Code as it has attracted exception 4 of section 300 of the Penal Code.

After the decision of the learned Session Judge the accused go to the higher court with an appeal. Mr Md Khurshed Alam Khan the learned Advocate appearing on behalf of the accused-appellant submits that during the course of trial, prosecution has not examined the vital charge sheeted witnesses like Delwar Hossian Sikder. Though accused alleged to have been arrested from his house immediately after the occurrence and as such it has weaken the case of the prosecution ensuring benefit to the accused-appellant. The learned Advocate further submits that non-examination of the investigating officer has also equally given a fatal blow to the prosecution case which has also opened the path of the accused person to be acquitted of the charge brought against him. On the other hand Mr. SM Aminul Islam the learned Assistant Attorney General appearing on behalf of the respondent submits that prosecution has proved the case beyond any shadow of doubt with the help of credible evidence. The learned AAG further submits that non-examination of the investigation officer by itself is not fatal to the prosecution case unless such case is made out alleging that accused has been prejudiced for such non-examination of the IO. Since there is nothing of the record that accused has ever asserted that for non-examination of the IO the accused has failed to draw the attention in the statement, recorded under Section 161 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Unless such act of prejudice is proved or alleged; mere non-examination of IO will not cause any harm to the prosecution case. Shahabuddin Khalifa has also come to corroborate the case of the prosecution who has also claimed him as an eyewitness of the occurrence. Moreover, the evidences are also found to be a bundle of contradictions and have totally failed to prove the commission of the offence in the manner as alleged by the prosecution. On the other hand Mr. SM Aminul Islam the learned Assistant Attorney General appearing on behalf of the respondent submits that, prosecution has proved the case beyond any shadow of doubt with the help of credible evidence.The learned AAG submits that non-examination of the investigation officer by itself is not fatal to the prosecution case unless such case is made out alleging that accused has been prejudiced for such non-examination of the IO. Since there is nothing of the record that accused has ever asserted that for non-examination of the IO the accused has failed to draw the attention in the statement, recorded under Section 161 of the Code of Criminal Procedure where contradiction with the evidence, given in the court on oath. Unless such act of prejudice is proved or alleged; mere non-examination of IO will not cause any harm to the prosecution case.

Dr. Md. Ataur Rahman, held the autopsy of the body of the deceased, has also proved the case of the prosecution in a verbatim manner. He has opined that the death of the deceased Moshiur Rahman Khalifa was due to shock and haemorrhage as a result of injuries, which was antemortem and homicidal in nature.

The evidence so far adduced by the prosecution is found to have been credible, reliable and natural one because witnesses being co-workers, had sufficient opportunity to witness the occurrence from very close range, held in a broad day light. It is to be remembered that in the deposition of witness there are always normal discrepancies however honest and truthful . Taking this view in mind we are of opinion that so far prosecution evidence is concerned the same is adequate, trustworthy and does not suffer from any kind of infirmity in the form of contradiction as such has proved the case of the prosecution beyond any shadow of doubt. Also we opinion that there is nothing of the record where defence has made out a case that he has been prejudiced for non-production of the I.O. As such non-production of the investigating officer cannot be considered as a fatal one, which has already been decided by the Apex Court in the judgment. The learned Session Judge relying on such evidence has decided the case in favour of the prosecution and found that the accused guilty of the offence punishable under section 304(1) of the Penal Code in place of section 302 alleging that it attracts exception 4 of the section 300 and accordingly it is a case of culpable homicide not amounting to murder punishable under section 304(1) of the Penal Code.

Mr. Khurshed Alam Khan the learned advocate for the accused-appellant submits that in order to bring the case within the ambit of section 304(1) the trial court must give a positive decision that the accused had intention to cause death and is also covered by any of the exception of section 300 of the Penal Code. No doubt, the intention, being mental act of the accused, cannot be the subject of proof with the help of oral evidence rather conduct and external behaviors of the accused person in performing the act to cause death will identify the intention of the accused. In the instant case it is evident that the accused used a dangerous weapon like spade and gave two consecutive murderous blows on the vital part of the body like occipital region of head. When an accused is found to use a dangerous weapon to cause fatal injury on the vital part of the body like head in a consecutive manner certainly it will prove his intention to cause such bodily injuries as is likely to cause his death. The above decisions of our Apex Court is absolutely befitting one for this case also because in this case the accused-appellant used dangerous weapon to blow one after another to cause such bodily injuries as were likely to cause death of the deceased. As such we find no other alternative but to say that the accused-appellant had intention at least to cause such bodily injuries as were likely to cause death of the deceased which comes within the mischief of first part of section 304 of the Penal Code.

In the light of the above observation we are of opinion that in no way this case can be brought within the scope of second part of section 304 of the Penal Code and accordingly the decision given by the learned Sessions Judge cannot be interfered and the appeal is liable to be dismissed.

Mr Md Khurshid Alam Khan, Advocate for the appellant, Mr S M Aminul Haque, A A G for the respondent


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