Lutful Aziz, FCPS, PHD, Consultant "analgesia", Pain relief
Dear doctor I would like to know about injury prevention during sports
Conditioning and training
Physical conditioning for sports
participation, besides preparing athletes for high-level performance,
also prevents injuries. Coaches and trainers alike now recognise that
improper conditioning is one of the major causes of sports injuries.
Muscular imbalance, improper timing due to faulty neuromuscular co-ordination,
inadequate ligamentous or tendinous strength, inadequate muscle or cardiovascular
endurance, inadequate muscle bulk, problems of flexibility and problems
related to body composition are some of the primary causes of sport
injury directly attributable to insufficient or improper physical conditioning
and training.
Training is usually defined as a systematic process of repetitive, progressive
exercise or work, involving the learning process and acclimatisation.
Dr. S.E. Bilik stated that, "To put the body with extreme and exceptional
care under the influence of all agents which promote its health and
strength in order to enable it to meet extreme and exceptional demands
upon it".
Conditioning Seasons:
No longer do serious athletes engage only in preseason conditioning
and in-season competition. Sports conditioning is now a year-round endeavour,
often encompassing four training seasons: post-season, off-season, pre-season,
and in-season.
Post-Season: The post-season period is immediately
after a sport season. It is often dedicated to physical restoration,
especially when athletes have been injured during the season.
Off-season: It is a good idea for the athlete to engage
in another sport during this period.
Pre-season: During this period the athlete should achieve
the highest possible level of conditioning and training specific to
the position played.
In-season: It should be noted that the intensive pre-season
conditioning training programme that brought the athlete to the competitive
season may not be maintained by the sport itself. Unless there is conditioning
throughout the season, a problem of deconditioning may occur.
Ten Cardinal Conditioning Principles:
The following ten cardinal principles can be applied to sports conditioning:
Warming up, Gradualness, Timing, Intensity, Capacity level, Strength,
Motivation, Specialisation, Relaxation, Routine.
Warm up: The use of warm up procedures has been traditional
in sports and is still advocated as the means of preparing the body
physiologically and psychologically for physical performance, in the
belief that it will not only improve performance but will lessen the
possibilities of injury. The term warming up in this discussion refers
to the use of preliminary exercise procedures rather that the use of
hot showers, massage, counterirritants, diathermy or other forms of
passive warm-up. The main purpose of warming up is to raise both the
general body and the deep muscle temperatures and to stretch connective
tissues to permit greater flexibility. This reduces the possibility
of muscle tears and ligamentous sprains and helps to prevent muscle
The process of warm-up is considered as falling into two categories.
General warm-up which consists of activities that bring about a general
warming of the body without having any relationship to the skills to
be performed.
Specific which is mimetic, that is similar to or the same as skills
to be performed in competition.
More to come in the following week.
Nighat Ara, Psychiatrist
Recently one of my friend went to rehab on her own account and is trying
to rid herself of a drug problem that started in the early nineties.
Last time she was sniffing brown sugar. Right now she says she feels
ok and we are all trying to help her; can you tell us how else we can
help her come back to normalcy? She is in her early thirties.
Your friend is suffering from addiction for quite a long time. Addiction
treatment basically consists of different phases to address different
aspects of this Bio-psycho-social disorder. In a rehab center, programs
are offered according to the need of a particular client. However, recovery
from addiction is not an event but a process. It is not a straight line
course, rather a bumpy road. It is quite likely that your friend will
require some support network to help her remain sober. Trust, self-esteem,
anger management and social reconnection are some of the crucial factors
in recovery. In fact, friends can be of immense help to restore her
normal life-style, a drug free peer group can exert positive pressure
on her to remain clean. A friend who really cares, listens to her and
offers support in whatever way possible (maybe just standing beside
her when she is struggling with some internal pain), can become a blessing
for her. Apart from social support, she should never hesitate to reach
out for professional help when the need arises.
Mahfujul Haq Khan BDS, DDS(Dhaka), PHD(Japan) Oral & Dental Surgeon
BIRDEM Hospital
I am 22 years old. Unfortunately, I have a gap-toothed upper gum. As
the days are passing the gaps are becoming wider and the gum is lowering
to fill the empty spaces. This is really getting me down. I cannot even
laugh. What is the treatment for this? In addition, where can I get
the best quality treatment, and how much would it cost?
Md. Alamgir Latif
48, Billpar, Lama Bazar
It seems that you have spacing (Gap) in between upper incisor teeth.
There are techniques to fill spaces between teeth;
porcelain cap: Offers the most exciting and revolutionary advancement
in Aesthetic Dentistry. Dynamic results can usually be achieved within
a week or ten days to correct somewhat misaligned, spaced, broken, discoloured
or misshapen teeth.
Tooth colour filling: Was one of the first and most promising techniques
developed for "instant" smile enhancement. It is still suitable
in many circumstances to correct broken or misshapen teeth, but is neither
as durable as porcelain cap, nor as spectacular in addressing more complex
cosmetic concerns.
So which direction you will go? It depend on your oral heath condition,
teeth alignment, age, time and expenses. As you mentioned that your
gum is lowering to fill the spaces, in that case you may need a minor
surgical intervention to repair the excess gum tissue before going for
any cosmetic treatment. You can consult with me at BIRDEM hospital any