always come across those colourful decorative shops in Elephant Road
but never got the opportunity to take a look inside. The wedding stores
in Dhaka are not very impressive but the materials that they keep are
appealing, therefore I couldn't help but get in finally.
funniest thing that caught my eyes was the list they have. The salesman
offered me a list that he thought is a must see. It is an all-purpose
wedding list, things that are a must in wedding packages. The list starts
from Pagri to safety pins. The prices are there beside each item (which
is of course negotiable).
I asked for bamboo baskets they showed me many varieties and shapes.
The colours are also different from one another and the shapes are oval,
square, round, triangular and not to mention shapes that can't be found
in your geometry book.
prices start from Tk.50 till as much as they can haggle for. But size
does matter in this case. As the size increases the price shoots up
too. Many baskets are coloured and wrapped in "chundri" print
cut pieces and some have local hand paints. The biggest basket would
be best if you can buy it with 300 taka and not a single penny more.
For the final choice, have a small tour to the market, hop in other
stores evaluate the prices and then buy.
I moved forward to the Bengali culture, "gaye holud" products.
I was always very curious about the items these stores keep for the
"wedding shower" ceremony. The oil, fennel seeds, turmeric,
and a packet of seven different items for showers are amazing to look
at. They are also wrapped up in two ways. One is silver or golden packing,
another is the chundri one, which looks better I think. All these formalities
will cost taka 450/-.
can also get the soap, perfume, comb/brush, toothbrush & toothpaste,
mirror lotions and many more. These are good in quality but I would
suggest not getting the female cosmetics range. To pack your things
you need wrapping paper. One good suggestion is to check out the Gulshan
"Archies" opposite wonderland. They have good wrapping items.
The ribbons and papers are very impressive, decorative and colourful.
The wrapping papers and ribbons are Taka 5 to Taka 10 per yard. In some
cases it is Taka 15. But the Elephant Road shops have nice rolex papers
in bright glossy red, blue, green, golden and silver. This rolex is
also good for decorating a gorgeous wedding package let it be for the
bride or the groom.
the bamboo made mattress that is used for holud sessions are also found
in many types and colours. The best idea is to get a plain one and put
your creativity in it. But in times of emergency get the painted one
or the plain silver one, you can add little stars here and there, later
on. The price range for pati starts from taka 150 to taka 300 highest.
I would suggest you to read the list- it would remind you of the things
you want. Try to haggle as that is the custom over there and one more
thing get- scissors, tapes, glues and pins for proper placement. Events
like weddings have many more things to cover but this space doesn't
allow me to make the shop special any longer.
I completed my visit I will sum up saying that the products are good,
people are friendly and you can't find them elsewhere. So as I was coming
out of the market I couldn't help but dream of owing one shop as colourful,
friendly and important.
week's Shop Talk is dedicated to the Betty Crocker disciple with a sweet
tooth. If you have baking plans in mind, and shopping plans for the
like on your agenda, you might want to keep this section handy. So,
let's get cracking, shall we?
with the smarts: Cook books
So you aim to please the crowd with an Angel Food Cake or your
crè me brulee. Next question…do you know how to actually make
the above-mentioned dishes? Even if you do, it can't hurt to keep notes
on measurements, etc. at hand. Step right into Omni Books, Gulshan,
and you'll have a load of cookbooks to choose from. Our recommendation?
The Robert Rose Classic Desserts priced at Tk 360.
them over: Mixing bowls
Whether you're whipping up chocolate brownies or buttery lemon
squares, you have to have something to hold the dough in while you add
in those ingredients. A good-sized mixing bowl is what you need. Try
looking for a sturdy plastic one… my favorite glass one broke the other
day, and so did my heart. Your average large-sized plastic mixing bowl
costs around Tk 80, and is available at any hardware/cooking supplies
for measure…with spoons
Cook books and recipes are always talking about "3 tbsp.
of ingredient X, 2 ¼ tsp. of ingredient Y…" leaving us bewildered
as to how much to add to make that fudge look as good as it does in
the magazine. Measuring spoons make life a lot easier, by allowing you
to take the exact amounts. A steel set will cost you around Tk 100,
while a plastic one, or an aluminum one will cost Tk 50.
the mix: electric mixing machines
Our lives these days are too busy to be spent in the kitchen
mixing batter by hand. Modern technology has speeded up the process
by giving us electric mixers to help save time. Starting from Tk 850
to around Tk 1400 or more, depending on the make and brand name, these
mixers are available at most appliance stores, and are a Godsend when
there's a dessert to be made on short notice.
If you still insist on mixing by hand, or if you need to stir
your batter, it's useful to own a spatula. The wooden ones are sturdy
and easy to handle, and cost around Tk 60.
with Baking Pans
You've got the batter ready, and you've got your oven hot and
ready. What's the magic item that links the two to a tasty treat? That's
right, a baking pan. The serving size depends on the size of your pan,
and it's very important to use the right size for any baking venture.
A good quality, non-stick, six-piece baking pan set costs around Tk
800 at the DCC Market, Gulshan-1, but you might get a cheaper deal if
you go to New Market.
Magic: Cupcake molds
How to give your muffins the cute little cup-shape? Get yourself
a cupcake mold for Tk. 10-20 each, depending on the size.
Here's a nifty way to spice up a boring ice-cream sundae or
cake roll. Hershey's Chocolate Syrup costs Tk 160 (cans), Tk 180 (plastic
bottle). If you prefer something fruity, go for the Hershey's Strawberry
Syrup at the same price range. Great for milkshakes as well.
It takes a lot of eggs, milk and hard work to make whipped
cream on your own. If you need to save time, get yourself some readymade
whipped cream. It costs about Tk 90 per pack, and is available at almost
any supermarket or general store.
sing for icing
Pardon the over-enthusiastic wordplay. One sure way to make
your puddings and cakes look pretty is to add some icing. For a smooth,
blob-free icing experience, get hold of a steel icing set, priced at
sprinkle of cheer
Who can resist a chocolatey treat covered with colorful sprinkles? Grab
a box of sugary, multicolored candy sprinkles at Tk 25/box.
Sabrina F. Ahmad
the islands
In the streets of Dhaka, there are some islands under construction.
The islands seem fairly wide compared to the width of the streets.
At present, vehicles of Dhaka City are plying on very congested streets.
We were just wondering whether these islands are going to reduce more
space from our city streets or not.
of international law
India recently unilaterally decided to divert waters of international
rivers flowing through India and Bangladesh. It is a blatant violation
of international law and it will be disastrous for our environment.
Similar circumstance with the Farakka dam has already caused enough
damage. Once again, diplomats are failing to retrieve the rights to
have proper share of international water for the nation.
Joinal Hazari, the infamous godfather of Feni was recently given life
imprisonment in an arms case. 40 other cases were filed against him
since 1970, among them he was discharged from 24 for lack of evidence,
as witnesses were scared to testify against him. One can't help but
wonder how it was possible for a criminal mind like Hazari to become
a lawmaker of the previous parliament? Notorious individuals like
Hazari should not get nominations from any party in the first place.
These people should be boycotted politically and socially.
it modern age yet?
After the incident of finding forged notes in the Bangladesh Bank
vault, it has come to light that none of the branches of the four
nationalised banks have any forged note detectors. Have we not entered
the modern ages yet?
juvenile offenders
Currently there are three Juvenile Correction Centres in the country.
Two of them are for boys and one for girls. Being accused of different
crimes, they do not get reasonable treatment in those centres, which
are meant to correct them. The future of a juvenile offender is not
promising at all, as they do not get proper professional help to overcome
their condition. The reason as to why they committed the crime they
are accused of, are not properly dealt with. It is a matter of doubt
whether these correction centres are beneficial for them or not.
By Shahnaz Parveen